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Everything posted by offsidewing

  1. I use a special wide gap hook instead of a jig head and shove a broken piece of Senko in the tube cavity before inserting the hook. Works like a charm.
  2. My father kills 'em with his spincast/bent pistol grip rods when it's time for crankbaits. Daiwa Gold spincast rod for him too! It kills me everytime we go smallmouth fishing in deep water and he can't set a hook if he cast into the middle of a thicket. He thinks its him and not the gear.
  3. My father has used these exclusively for 40 years. He prefers the pistol grips with the handles bent downwards behind the reel seat. When he uses crankbaits he has success as typically these are MM rods. He can't catch a cold with them when using plastics. Because of the success with crankbaits, he refuses to switch to spinning gear for plastics. He's as stubborn as he is educated. He watched me pull out 8-10 trophy fish this season all on spinning gear while he couldn't make a hook set. I just got him 68MXF Avid X for Christmas with a Plueger President reel. His question when he saw the gift "How much do you think it would cost to put one of those pistol grips on this?" I almost snapped the rod over my knee.
  4. So, I had to run some errands this afternoon and wanted to stop into Cabela's before it closed at 8pm. I pulled in at 6:15 and despite what the hours on the front window said, they closed at 6pm. My teenage son and I got back into the car and noticed the brand new Field and Stream store was still open across the street. I had yet to go in since they opened so I used this opportunity to check it out. We walked into the store an headed directly to the fishing section. I was impressed with the amount of rods they had in stock compared to the Cabela's here in town. They had a big sale going which was 25% of the clearance prices on rods and reels. I glanced at the case housing the high-end reels. Then, crammed in between a Quantum and a Revo was this puppy. $85 off MSRP, then 25% off that!! This thing is brand spanking new!
  5. *skims over 2.5 pages of Ford vs Chevy Butt Hurt posts* Can't wait to pick one up! I'll have to hit all the usual websites to pre-order one!
  6. I use both. For 4 or 5 inch Senkos I use Spinning gear: 30 sized Plueger and a 6'8" MXF St Croix rod, YoZuri Hybrid 6# line. When using 6 inch Senkos (or weighted 5") I go with Baitcasting gear: 100 sized reel with a 7" MF sensitive rod and 12# Fluoro. This set up also works for Fat Ikas. |
  7. I've fished both the Avid X and Loomis E6X in similar specs and prefer the Avid X. 7' MF Avid X is what I use for heavier plastics. No hate for the Loomis. It's also worth mentioning that St Croix customer service is excellent to deal with should you ever have an issue with a rod.
  8. I own many SC rods across several different lines they offer. I have the Avid X in casting and LTB in spinning. The Avid X is a heck of a deal for the price point. I prefer it over the E6X. Keep in mind, St Croix has some of the best customer service out there.
  9. I have the E6X and Avid-X in comparable length/ratings in casting rods. I prefer the Avid-X, but the E6X is no slouch. The E6X might have a slight advantage in sensitivity, but I found the Avix-X to be just a bit better in all other aspects. The E6X got a lot of press because its a $200 loomis rod that doesn't come with buyers remorse.
  10. Ok, here's what I've got top to bottom. St Croix Avid X 70MF with Metanium XG St Croix Avid X 70MHF with Metanium DC XG St Croix LTB 68MXF with Plueger Supreme XT St Croix Legend Xtreme 610MLXF with Shimano Stella C2500HGS
  11. Zebco 202 combo that was handed out at school in the 4th grade circa 1986.
  12. St Croix Premier 6'6" Medium Fast. This was my favorite rod until I upgraded to an LTB.
  13. I have St Croix LTB 6'8" MXF that is my go-to rod for plastics and sensitive enough to drop shop.
  14. I've used 8 lb Seaguar Invisx and 6 lb Yo-Zuri Hybrid Clear. Both do well in clear/Lightly stained water. Invizx is ~$20 for 200 yards. Yo-Zuri is $15 for 600 yards.
  15. If local laws permit, congrats on your catch. FYI, Everytime I see guys trying to foul hook a fish sitting on nests, I want to push them in the water.
  16. Caught thus one in about 10 feet of water. 25 feet further out the depth is over 30 feet. So this guy is probably moving between different depths throughout the day.
  17. 6# Yozuri Hybrid clear is what I use for spinning gear starting this year. Hauled in a nice hawg on that line a couple weeks back. Check out my gallery for proof. I was using 8lb Invisx before YoZuri and don't regret the change. Pflueger President reel is tough to beat for $50-60. However, 5" Senko is as heavy a bait as I sling on spinning gear w/ that line.
  18. Ok, so it hasn't been out on the water yet, but holy cow this reel is S M O O V, smoooove. The nicest reel by comparison that I currently own has been a Pflueger Supreme XT. The Pflueger is really nice, but its like comparing a nicely equipped Honda Accord to a Maybach. I don't know that the Stella is a huge step up in terms of actual performance from the Stradic/Twin Power, but the level of refinement in this reel is unquestionable. The bail is solid, but opens smoothly. There is no metal-on-metal feel in the gearing. Force required to turn the handle is consistent with no wobble. It's nice and clearly an indulgence.
  19. For my baitcasters I've settled on 12# Fluro for clear or lightly stained water when fishing open water or light cover. I'm using heavy plastics, jerkbaits and jigs under 1/2 oz.. I like the Cabela's X50 because its cost effective and made by seaguar. You definitely want braid for pulling fish out of heavy over. But I've fished braid and fluro side by side in jigging situatuons and incidentally get more bites with Fluoro.
  20. I own St Croix Premier, Avid X, and LTB rods. Also Carbonlite, Loomis E6X, and Cabela's Tourney ZX. My advice: Buy two Cabela's Tourney ZX rods when they get marked down from $99 to $70 (or less) or save up and buy an Avid X.
  21. I love my LTB spinning rod. I have the 6'8" MXF and love it for plastics less than 3/8 oz. The 6'10" MLXF is on the spouse approved acquisition list. I was really confused by the grip the first time I held it in my basement. On the water, The first time I really needed to toss a light bait into a specific spot I loved it. I've wrestled some pigs with the rod and never once did the grip feel awkward. I Don't find it to be distractingly tip heavy at all.
  22. I imagine this is what it feels like to get a box from Tiffany & Co.
  24. I've got a Plueger Supreme XT I got on sale for $99. Love it.
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