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Everything posted by FrogTastic

  1. You do realize that snakes are pretty important, right? I have plenty of fishing buddies that are pretty scared of them, but don't kill them!
  2. I think I will just go with a split shot. Those probably wouldn't really worm in a frog
  3. Hey all, I gotta make this quick to the point because I'm in class - Has anyone seen the weights that are in hollow-body frogs for sale anywhere I'm building some and need the weights. First person to find them gets a free frog
  4. Let me rephrase that - throwing it further than 6 feet away from cover. I like a bright flashy color for a reaction strike, so it catches their eye and gets em mad. But it's mostly personal preference. That being said, I definitely prefer a more realistic color when I'm throwing in clear water, open water, anywhere new; basically anywhere I'm not looking to throw a bait right on top of the fish.
  5. Like everyone is saying, use lighter line. Maybe go down to a light or medium light
  6. Shaky head or bluegill swimbait
  7. I find they rip through a lot more than wacky, but for some reason I get better hookup ratios
  8. Hey all, I was recently asked a simple question - if you could only have one lure ever, what'd it be? The question is so simple yet so difficult to answer. I replied with "I'll get back to you later on that one". I simply couldn't think of a single lure that I would want to fish. So I'll ask you guys - "if you could only have TWELVE baits to fish, what would they be?". Even then, it's pretty vague. List colors, sizes, how you'd rig them - everything. If you want to include a rod, go right ahead. Here's mine, in no particular order: A red stickbait. I like the 4" Yamamoto Senko in red/red flake (good luck finding those), but they're hard to get now. I rig them with a 1/0 EWG hook, wacky rigged through the middle Rebel big ant. I need to have one of these in each color. Firetiger if I can't choose more than one, though. In case I want any panfish or small fish Baby kahara frog. One of these for a smaller frog lure in the chartreuse crawdad color Spro Bronzeye Frog 65. Camouflage, green black, outback, and white black are all good colors Berkley Havoc Scott Suggs' 4" Rocket Craw (Perfection green fleck) + 4x4 T-Roy's Signature Series Swim Jig (Goggle Eye, 3/8 oz) Zoom lizard 6" in Red shad, mossy pumpkin, or black red flake. I rig them with a 3/16 ounce bullet weight, clear bead, black crane swivel, 12 pound fluorocarbon leader, and 3/0 EWG hook Mann's Hardnose Snake. I'll get the 4-pack, with one of each color. The scarlet color is also good to get though. Rig them with a 6/0 Owner screw-lock for huge fish, or a 4/0 EWG for smaller ones Zoom Trick Worm. I couldn't have enough colors of these. I like weightless on a 2/0 EWG or a 3/0 Straight shank I feel like I need to include a hard bait, but they're not really my thing. I would throw in a Storm Arashi Squarebill in red craw, though Another frog, let's do the *** Lunker frog in texas toad or rocky toad One more frog, I have to do the Livetarget hollow body frog. I prefer emerald brown in 45T and/or 55T Let's throw in a Leland Lures Panfish Magnet Kit. I still feel like I could have all this gear, and not catch a fish :| Well, let's hear yours!
  9. While a frog can be a reaction bait if you're throwing it within, say, 5 or 6 feet of a school. But throwing it further means it helps to be realistic. If I'm burning in a frog in open water, or even in cover, I like it to be a pretty realistic color, because after reeling it a bit, I'm gonna stop and let the bass swim up to it. In that time, if they register that it's not a frog, they may not strike. Then again, I like some crazy colors for reaction strikes.
  10. I actually wanted to trade old lures for other old ones.
  11. I prefer 65 pound braid as a good all around frog line, because you can use it in completely open water, or in super heavy cover. And I've gotten pretty explosive hits on frogs that weaker braid might not stand up to. I think it's mostly personal preference though
  12. That sounds pretty sweet. Was it the Relax series frog? Other than that, they must've been hand-poured because I've never heard of a 10-inch frog before.
  13. I'll put it up on the flea market later this week. PM me and I'll tell you what I have and how much, if you want and I could probably trade
  14. Hey all, I was wondering if anyone knows about some super-realistic baits. I just did a huge TW order, and picked up some Mann's Hardnose Snakes. I'm interested to see if anyone knows of any super-realistic baits, as I'm looking to pick some new ones up. Thanks, Drew P.S. ~ If anyone is interested, I have a TON of old tackle for sale. PM me and you can have my phone number to text me
  15. would love to get one. I like the color schemes
  16. Haven't seen them for sale yet... they look pretty awesome though! My birthday just passed, and I've been selling a bunch of old stuff, plus working at the tackle shop, so long story short, I'm gonna do a $600+ TW order
  17. Umm... thanks? lol
  18. There are two main types of snakehead in the states, and those are the Bullseye and the Northen. Northerns are native to asian countries like Korea, Russia, and China. They can be found in VA, MD, and a few other states I believe. They're big and nasty, and will attack almost anything. Bullseye snakeheads are the main ones in FL, and they're smaller, but still aggressive. They're all over southeast Asia and China. They will definitely bite you if you're not careful. The media hypes them up like they're some type of evil fish, but they're not that bad. You should probably kill them, and they taste good. They won't kill bass at all, except some fry. Bullseye probably won't move north. If you're targeting either species, go with a frog.
  19. Sorry, I can get off-topic. A 20/0 circle hook actually doesn't look that big in the corner of a 4-5 foot shark's mouth. It looks tiny in a 12-foot shark's mouth. Other than sharks, mainly goliath grouper.
  20. Trotlines. Sorry, I'm using my friend's macbook and it has stupid autocorrect
  21. The lake is pretty much in the middle of nowhere, about 15 miles from the ocean. So yeah, they stay in there. I'll throw some tortillas and see if I can catch one
  22. I appreciate your feedback! Thanks! This is the thread I have the least experience in. About the hydrilla, the big bluegills need a spot where they can be totally safe from being caught. The hydrilla is designed to do that. I would probably not do tons of that, it can get out of hand though. Thanks again!
  23. Me and my friend actually have a pond near his farm with about a dozen 3'-ish eels, plus bowfin, huge crappie, big bluegill, bass, and we've even been told there's a stingray in there, which I find hard to believe. But considering the things we've found in there...
  24. Hmm, they're really common here. Sorry about one of the threads getting locked. Some guy went on talking crap, and I asked why he had to do that, and not just pass it on or take the advice. I'm still pretty ticked.
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