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About FrogTastic

  • Birthday 04/07/2001

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  • Gender
  • Location
    Wilmington, North Carolina
  • My PB
    Between 8-9 lbs
  • Favorite Bass
  • Favorite Lake or River
    Farm Ponds, Lake Sutton, Greenfield Lake, Potomac River
  • Other Interests
    Panfishing, Snakehead Fishing, Hunting, Shooting, Video Games

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  • About Me
    Hey all! I love catching monster southern bass on frogs. I have been obsessed with fishing for as long as I can remember. I own hundreds of frogs, and even have a little workshop dedicated to designing new frogs and modding ones I already have. I love to offer people tips on frog fishing, as well as panfishing, snakehead fishing, and hunting.

    Tight Lines

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  1. Surely you've seen River Monsters. Who hasn't? He goes all over the world, 6 continents to catch crazy fish. Well, Thailand has got all of those fish he's caught - spread out in one lake (well actually multiple lakes). On top of that, it's incredibly cheap to fish there, and there is relatively open water, meaning little to no snags, meaning lighter tackle meaning a harder fight. It truly is an amazing place to fish. So I started thinking - why aren't there places like this in the states? There are more people than you'd think that keep alligator gar (a native fish in the first place), arapaima, and especially red tail catfish, tiger shovelnose catfish, and other large cats among others. Getting the fish would be kind of expensive, but you could buy bulk farm raised fish and probably save some money with it. So here's a question for you - what species would you like to be able to fish for in your home state? Disregarding things like the lake freezing over and such.
  2. I never hooked it, but I once found someone's old Droid in the pond. It was just kind of sitting on the bottom, so I picked it up, got it home, put it in a bag of rice, and it ended up working... for about 45 minutes.
  3. Hey all, I recently looked through that old incidentals thread I started a while back. Well, today I want to know your stories of stuff you've caught while fishing that weren't fish. Or any other type of living thing, for that matter. Basically any type of thing you've snagged that wasn't alive. This thread should get interesting quick...
  4. Hey all, Here's my question. "You get to put together a small fishing kit. You get to fish only on a lake that has all of the basic freshwater species in it (panfish, bass, trout, catfish, pike, pickerel, muskie, gar, bowfin, carp, etc.). You can pick only three different lures to use. They should be lures that are able to catch multiple fish species (not just 3 different bass lures, or a trout, a bass, and a panfish lure, or whatever). You can also include enough terminal tackle to make one rig, if your lure is a soft plastic that requires it." Let's hear some answers!
  5. Hey all, So about 2 years ago, I hooked some sort of large fish on my one and only Rebel Big Ant. I had fished that lure for a good 5 years, and boy was I upset when I lost that thing. I searched and searched but to no avail. Well, fast forward to 3 days ago. I spotted a strange small shape floating about 6 feet out - in the exact same pond I lost my favorite lucky lure. So I waded out and grabbed the object. Normally, I would get angry if I was hooked. But this time, it meant I had reunited with my old favorite lure. I was ecstatic. Here is a picture of it when I found it. It's not too high quality, but it's something (actually I need someone to tell me how to upload pictures but I will do it when someone tells me how to ). This thing was dusty, rusty, one hook had 2 points, one was completely rusted off, a split ring was missing, and nearly every part was coated in rust. Plus the paint was nicked in a bunch of spots, and there was gunk on it everywhere. So today, I started off by taking a small bowl of lukewarm water with a bit of dish soap in it, and just taking a small cloth and wiping it down. After 5 minutes of that it already looked like a brand new lure. There was still gunk buildup in some spots, so I kept going at it. This time, I used my grandma's nail brush to get most of the buildup off of it. That took care of almost everything, but I wanted this thing to look better. So I got at it with some tough Lysol wipes (the purple kinds with the double sided thing). That was as good as I was going to get with the body. From there, I had to do something about that rust. I started by just taking some small wire cutters and removing the split rings and the hooks. The rest of the metal parts had some rust, but there was no way I could replace them. So I took some stainless steel wipes, and those did the trick for the most part. They also helped to clean the bill a lot. After that, I took some good old WD-40 and sprayed off the parts, and then soaked it in that soap water. Well, now this thing is looking like a million bucks. Oh yeah, and I replaced the hooks and split rings, as well as took a nail file and sanded down the rough edges of the bill. The only things I have left to do with this thing is to take a sharpie to where the paint is nicked (in like 3 tiny spots), and take something to the eyes, because they are chipped. Anyone got any feedback?
  6. Yeah, kinda I'm getting a Penn Senator and a stand-up rod though. We'll see if I can't get a few sharks in the river down here. As for the goliaths, was he using a handline with a hook, or just teasers?
  7. Yeah, I once caught a 20 inch lizardfish on my ultralight rod. They're super fun and easy to catch.
  8. Yeah, I'm planning to fish in the Cape Fear River, and if that doesn't work, I'll pack up and head to the beach. I have checked the regulations on using these fish for bait, and they all are allowed to be used for bait. No shark fishing bans, but there are regulations. I plan to do catch and release though. I know that if you flip a shark upside down in the water, it immobilizes it. Might be cool to try, but you probably won't see me doing it for a while . I'll be bringing bolt cutters, as well as wire cutters, in case the hook is bad. I'll bust out my 12 inch needle-nose pliers if the hook isn't too bad in there. but if it's bad, I'm going to bust out some sort of cutters. I'm big on me, everyone fishing with me, and the fish staying safe, so we're all preparing for our first trip in a few years. I will be getting some video footage with the GoPro, so I'll post a link to that video as well. Sorry for such a long response, but I just want everyone to know I've done my homework and I've been preparing for this trip for a while now.
  9. Believe me, I'll be using any other fish I have before I use the pompano. They're in the top 5 in my book, but they're definitely behind freshwater trout, lobster, snow crabs, and of course blue crabs. I'm from MD, so blue crabs are kinda my specialty when cooking
  10. Our pier has no rod limit. They charge by the rod though. I will be shark fishing from the beach, which is perfectly legal. I have a 30-80 pound rod with back roller, 650 yards of 50 pound mono with a 55 yard 80 pound topshot on a 9/0 senator, plus I have a guy coming with me with a kayak. I've don it with cousins in FL a few times, its a load of fun. I also have a fighting belt. I'll be using rope to land them from the beach. We'll be doing strictly catch and release. Thanks for the reply, I knew yours would be good
  11. X2 long island basser. Get a few hollow body frogs. Also the Mann's Hardnose snakes, 4" red/red flake senkos, and trick worms will all work too.
  12. Hey all, I need some recommendations for basic pier fishing gear. I need to catch shark bait, because I'm taking some friends of the family out shark fishing. I'm gonna be fishing at night probably, and hopefully sitting on the pier all day. Probably start pier fishing in the morning. Basically I need a list of stuff to catch a lot of fish from the pier. I'm hoping to get a mix of: Whiting Mullet Skipjack/Ladyfish Bluefish Spanish Mackerel Sand Trout Sheepshead Pompano Hardhead (Catfish) Cownose Ray Stingray Possibly mixed in would be fish like blue runners, guitarfish, electric rays, eels, and/or piggy perch. Thanks in advance guys
  13. Hey all, I was wondering what everyone's favorite tackle boxes are. I use three boxes mainly - A Flambeau box from Dick's - it's one that's about 2 or 3 inches deep, and it's super tough. It was about 12 dollars, but definitely worth it. It's got a back side what's covered in hinges, versus traditional tray boxes with hinges in 2 or 3 spots. It's got these cool 2-stage locks - they're about 4 inches long, and there are three of them. It's blue, my favorite color. Also, it's waterproof with Zerust. In case anyone was wondering, I use this box for frogs The Bass Pro Shops Pro Qualifier boxes - I like these because they're cheap, mostly. I think they're normally like 4 dollars, and on sale they're usually like 1 dollar. They are pretty tough, but they don't look too cool. I take out all the dividers in the 360 one and use it to store trick worms. One 360 box is the perfect size to hold 6 packs of trick worms. It's got 2 small latches, but they hold the box together pretty good. The thing I don't like is with a bit of awkward pressure, the hinges come undone. There are only 2 small hinges, too. The ones that come with the Spiderwire tackle bag - These are definitely interesting, and they're a good basic box for just anything, really. You can arrange the dividers practically any way you want, and you get a lot of storage out of the box. The latches are absolute crap, and the hinges are alright. I like how strong the plastic is, and the deeper, rounded corners are also pretty cool (they allow you to store more tackle). Another thing I like is the ruler on top of the box. Well, that ends my post. Let's see what you guys like!
  14. Hey all, I'm trying to put together a list of different ways to rig soft plastics. Pretty straightforward. I'm planning to try all these this summer, and maybe do a how-to on them. So far we've got: Texas rig Carolina rig Wacky rig Drop shot rig Neko rig Alabama rig Weightless rig Shaky head rig General jig rigging (football, swim, bladed) Ball head/underspin rig Split shot rig That's all I got so far. Let's hear some more, plus any you randomly come up with!
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