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Big Sack

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Everything posted by Big Sack

  1. Amateur Hour, You are correct, one person has to be oilfield or military and immediate family members can fish with a qualified Person. check out the website www.TBOCBASS.com I have the results and pictures from this years tournament posted. The rules and entry forms for 2019 will be posted in October. Look forward to seeing you there.
  2. Awesome video, congrats to the high school kids. My partner and I had 23.5 for 1st place day 1 in the Toledo Bend Oilmen's last Friday. Didn't duplicate on day 2 but caught a limit and finished 2nd overall. Fished the Blue Lake area, 4 to 7 feet in scattered hydrilla using a 3/8 oz avocado colored spinner bait with smaller blades (Stanley Wedge) and a gold rattle trap. Huge shad spawn in the grass Saturday morning. Great charity tournament benefiting local wounded veteran hunting and fishing trips. Tournament is open to all oilfield, upstream, midstream and downstream as well as any active duty or veteran from the us military.
  3. A5BLASTER, your rode length and make-up are as important as the weight. 20# is better but you want at least a 7 to 1 ratio (7' of line for every 1' of depth) hold in high winds. 20' water would require 140' rope. Rode is the total makeup of your rope, chain and anchor. You can get by with shorter if you are in very soft mud, but to short and your anchor lifts and drags to much. the rope or chain should lay as horizontal as possible on bottom. another option is to chose an anchor that digs in like a Danforth or Bruce (Lewmar). Wally World has danforth stye for 20 bucks. They are a pain to handle but they hold well. Chain between the rope and anchor will help keep the anchor horizontal so when you pull on it the anchor digs in better.
  4. Bass_Fanatic Great stringer.. I would love some tips.
  5. Fished the ROC this weekend, Deer Stand and Jackson Hill, 14# both days. We caught a lot of fish but couldn't manage to find any big ones. Baby Brush Hogs and Senkos in the bushes. A few came with white swim jigs and a couple on frogs. The winners had 48# two day total with jigs and deep crank baits off deep brush piles.
  6. St Croix makes one called a pitching-lite flipping, TBC 76 MHMMF.
  7. kajun32, The South East Texas Oilman's is now called the "Toledo Bend Oilman's Classic" We changed the name a few years ago due to legal reasons while qualifying for 501 © status. Check out their website "www.tbocbass.com" This year registration is April 23rd, the tournament is the 24th and 25th. This tournament is now open to Any US Military Veteran as well as our Oilfield Hands. We would love to have readers of this great forum participate in this venue. Our charitable donations go to Veteran organization in the LA & TX oilfield regions. PS Had a 20 sack in 2115 Thursday and bombed during the LOBI. Baby Brush Hog watermelon magic, flipping the buckbrush. Friday and Saturday not many bites until we figured out they moved out of the bushes and caught on a trick worm oh so slow between the brush. Ask for Karl when you register for the TBOC in the 24th. I would love to meet you guys. I have read all 276 pages and I love it. Thanks Catt for starting this off and for you that participate.
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