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Everything posted by Penguino

  1. Sounds like you just messed up. You weren't paying attention, and you probably just high- sticked it. No big deal dude, man up, take the 50$ loss, and buy a more durable rod from a reputable dealer.
  2. Your point is? I'm just saying that 40 spinning reels are a hassle to deal with imho.
  3. lol. i gues different men, different tastes. I can't get my hands around 40 reels . Too bulky, and too cumbersome for me.The only thing I use them for is inshore fishing.
  4. 35 is a bit big. I would get 30 or even 25 if you're a finesse guy. I use a Supreme MGX 25 fine for my unweighted plastics.
  5. Pike and Bass Rods are mutually exclusive lol. Unless you catch huge bass and small pike it would be better for you to save 100$ and split it. A good 50$ rod would be the H20 Ethos.
  6. ehh... no its not. The XT has a HVF blank while the regular Tatula has a SVF blank with Zero G. Also, Alconite guides are a pretty big jump over AO guides. It will certainly be noticeable, but don't sweat it if you can't afford the Alconite guides. They just make a lot less noise than the AO guides
  7. I just use a line pick.. even though just using the thumb trick method would be easier. This is because I have heard of more than a few people destroying the gears on their reel by putting too much tension on their gears by reeling in too hard.
  8. Guides dropped from Alconite to AO
  9. I usually use a tougher copoly around those rocks such as McCoy Mean green or Hi-Seas copoly. A good option for a monofilament would be Sufix Siege. You just have to be wary about the memory of the line.
  10. Yep. The Pluefger should definitely feel much more smoother and more connected than the okuma simply because of the Aluminum Frame.
  11. Supreme MGX= Best Value Spinning reel under 100$. The okuma is no contest against it, especially considering that the okuma is a graphite reel while the Supreme is aluminum. Overall, if you're any good with spinning gear, you definitely should be able to feel a huge difference between the two.
  12. Good to know. Looks like I will use my MH for fishing Jigs and spinnerbaits.
  13. I have the cheapest one... i think its called the Laser LG. My friend gave it to me, and it makes a decent frog rod. It is pretty stout for a 6,6 MH rod. Sensitivity is not that good, but what you expect out of a $40 rod lol. Other than that everything is good, other than the guides. I just don't like the stainless steel guides, as they make a loud hissing noise when casting with copoly. Just unnerves me, but it hasn't yet abraded my line.
  14. What are some comparable rods to it?
  15. How do you like the guides? I already have a different rod with a minima reel seat, and have decided that I like it. But the real question is how the no-ceramic guides will hold up.
  16. The best thing about their blanks is the bang for the buck lol
  17. Just bought the 6'8 MHF off of the Bargain room for 89$. Can anybody tell me their experiences with this rod?
  18. And a BPS carbon fiber handle that's on the Carbonlite's probably costs 5$ lol.
  19. I'm pretty Sure S Hovanec had a really bad experience with the Abu Garcia Villain Ti guides, in which fluorocarbon completely sawed through the guide. If I were you, when using these no insert rods, I would only use mono, because braid and fluoro tend to be more abrasive and attract more particles onto the line.
  20. Lol I thought those were all Croix or Loomis's. What rods are those, if they are only 50$ or 60$?
  21. At least 10,000$ invested in those rods right? Maybe 20,000$
  22. Good Advice, i.e. you can find the tatula for easily under 100$ if you look, and maybe even under 90$ if you search hard or buy secondhanded.
  23. Rods: For Bang for your buck rods, its hard to beat 13 and/or Abu Garcia But if you are looking for the best you can find reasonably , then G. Loomis or St.Croix or Megabass would suit you best. Like others said, you probably should separate this thread into several individual threads, because otherwise it will become too unorganized.
  24. A while ago, Okuma and LTB and Rage Tail.
  25. I would go ask a saltwater fishing forum. Over here, we only have 2 people that I know of who are really dedicated to saltwater fishing. Just go search in google "saltwater fishing forum"
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