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Everything posted by Penguino

  1. Alright, so whats the big deal about the different types of cork grips. There are AAA, AA, A etc. types. What exactly is the justification in spending more money on higher level cork?
  2. No way will you be able to find a new or used citica for 50$. The orra sx honestly has no competition at 50$, other then maybe the h20 mettle.
  3. Lol have you ever used a pluefger before? I can say for a fact, that the Supreme and the older Supreme MGX are some of the best reels under 99$
  4. What? You are the one asking the question. There's no need to ask the same question repeatedly. It seems to me that you already have your mind set on a specific reel and you just haven't heard that recommendation that you like.....
  5. Like Mr. Q said, there is no need to actually join a club until you get older. Right now, all you need to start doing is to fish with some friends and learn.
  6. Alright. Thanks guys for the advice. After feeling both reels, I am probably going to go with the serrano. The size of the tatula is just too big for my teenage hands.
  7. Probably tadpoles. Also could be baby bullhead catfish, as I have seen tiny catfish fry in the shallows before.
  8. How do you know this? You obviously have never even used an okuma reel, yet immediately say that they are inferior to Shimano and Daiwas. Seems like we got a brand basher on here boys....
  9. craw: rage craw and lobster worm: zoom u tail worm beaver: d bomb
  10. You're dodging my question. Have you ever had a okuma product so that you justify your statement saying Okuma is second class to Daiwa and Shimano?
  11. T-Rig or Rage Rig fished as slow as possible
  12. LMAO. Have you even used an new okuma product before? I have a c3-40x rod and have to say I love it. That's why i'm considering the serrano.
  13. Im pretty much the same as you. I barely see any clear water here, so I am essentially limited to topwater, jigs, soft plastics and spinnerbaits.
  14. Has anybody used either of these reels? Right now, I'm leaning towards the serrano cuz I can get it for 80$ and that I haven't seen a bad review on it. But I really like the concept of Magforce-Z and want to try it out. Can anybody comment on these reels?
  15. Nice. Any sales in the DSG in Illinois? Just wen to the local NJ DSG, nothing special. Only decent rods were the GL2's and Rage rods. Im probably gonna wait till their summer sale starts to buy a new rod.
  16. You just answered your own question. You have a "Duckett Micro Magic 7' medium, fast rod with a Curado 200 I 6:3:1". So what exactly are you asking?
  17. No, what you said was that people who have problems with fluorocarbon " don't do the little things like finding abrasions, not wetting knots, and not carefully picking out birdsnests". Personally, sticking with a higher quality of fluorocarbon is what I like. Using cheaper fluorocarbon is a big no-no for me.
  18. Where are you buying from? Amazon is notorious for pricing certain models cheaper than others in order to clear stock..
  19. So to all you Quantum junkies out there. What are the differences in ACSII, ACS III, Micro ACS, Infinite ACS? What's your favorite system?
  20. Personally, I don't believe this. Trout eat nymphs, and small bugs. Big bass also eat trout which is why there are so many lunkers in cali-stocked trout lakes.
  21. Sorry for starting up a old thread, but I have this rod and feel entitled to share a unbiased review on it. I will just say that they are flat amazing. With braid, I can feel every little tap on my lure, even tiny sunfish trying to hit the back of my worm. Also, the components in this rod are really good, as I have banged it a bunch of times, and no signs of excessive wear or tear (knock on wood). Also, the TW reviews stating of how the rod brakes near the tips are complete misinformation or bad fishing teqhnique. I have set the hook rock solid on a 4 pound bass with braid on the fast action rod with no problemo. Also, you can commonly find these rods for 100$ or so on amazon. Only gripe I have with the rod is that the reel seat isn't for everyone. Some like it, some don't. So good luck, and hope this helps.
  22. Alright thanks. Just over the past year, they have stopped stocking trout in Farrington so I believe that the fishing will start going downhill.
  23. At that price, I would much rather get a h20 mettle. Haven't heard one bad thing about this reel.
  24. Soft tips and a little stretch all help remedy these problems.
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