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  1. I was in the airport lake with the hotel and only caught a dink. Did t say for long. But you can get to that lake from Osborne/Clark if you keep on trucking up the canal. Caught a few decent ones in osbourne/ Clark may havehave to just give another shot and launch there instead of coming north from Ida. Maybe il see you out there. I'm the only guy you'll probably ever see running a longtail In the urban canals.
  2. The pond you are talking about by WPB airport? If so that pond is connected to Osborn/ida system. The lake in referring to is on the NW side of forest hill and south shore blvd. been out to ida/Osborn/Clark and it's always loaded with jet skiers and gets a little rough for my little Jon boat.
  3. Been trolling the forum for a few months. Now finally joined up. Great info on the forums for beginners. I've gotten back into fishing now for 4 and strictly fish freshwater. Been throwing my job boat in the C-14 system a lot but just recently got my trailer/boat titled and registered and have been going up to IDA just to try something different. Looking for new systems to fish with my little tiny it finding parking for my trailer is the hard part. Hope to see y'all out on the water, tight lines.
  4. Been trolling around the forum for a while not and figured I'd ask a few local guys if they know anything about lake Wellington. Seen it on google earth and was going to fish it. But had some questions first and was wondering if anyone had been out there and knows the situation with the boat ramp. I'd hate to come back and my car/trailer is gone or get a ticket of something. Any info on it would be much apperciated.
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