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Fin Stalker

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    Between 9-10 lbs
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  1. Chatterbait it the fish in my avatar. If I remember correctly it went 7.94#.
  2. My first recommendation would be to shop used fro a while longer and see if you can find a used Trident 13 or comparable kayak if you still have no luck look at the Perception Pescador, it is hands down a better kayak than the FS12T. Tight Lines and Roll Tide. lol
  3. Weedless 68 12ROF.
  4. Not fishing. I use it for an excuse to get out of just about everything.
  5. Fish in rivers aren't going to behave the same as fish in a lake. About half of my fishing is done on rivers here in the South but the principles should still apply. The main thing to look for outside of visible cover is any kind of current break in the water whether it be an eddy or seamline (an area where shallow faster water meets deeper slower moving water). Fish those areas. Keep in mind that you are going to be on the move constantly, so you may pick up two or three fish in one area but you may not sit in one spot to do it. I kind of look at it like running and gunning. I'll throw to a spot a couple of times then move on, if I pick up a fish I may throw to a few more spot around where I caught that one then I keep moving. Notice what is working for you and repeat but keep moving. I have had times when I've absolutely hammered them at the mouth of a creek but those time are few and far between. Generally most of my time is spent on the move. Also keep in mind that a river is a living thing, the river you fished today isn't the same river you will fish tomorrow.
  6. A new swimbait combo and a new general purpose combo. Thinking Phenix/Lews. Over the new couple of years I'm hoping to upgrade all of my combos.
  8. I carry 4-6 rods with me most of the time all set up for different purposes but not so specialized that I can't use them for other baits than what I had them originally rigged for. The only rod(s) that stay task specific are my swimbait rods and my frog rod everything else is pretty much general purpose since I fish from a kayak and don't have the space to stow 15-20 rods. Everybody is going to tell you what works for them but in all reality you need to experiment for yourself to find what works for you. The only rod I would ever recommend to anyone as the basis for a line up is a 7' MED HVY Fast with a 6.3:1 or about reel. No brands mentioned because you need to decide for yourself what feels good in your hands.
  9. Yes. The way I look at it is you match the rod to the bait not the bait to the rod. Example; Frogs- Most people will lean towards a 7'+ Hvy Power rod so they have plenty of backbone in the rod to horse fish out of heavy cover and give them a solid hook set when using hollow bodied frogs.
  10. Old Town Predator 13 Ocean Kayak Big Game II As for fishing slop.... I can not explain how thick some of these pads are.
  11. I fish from a kayak almost exclusively but I've been wanting a boat for a while now because of some of the advantages of a boat. Mainly space and the ability to go from one point to another quicker (a lot quicker). Also there are times I would like to fish with someome else and be on the same boat.
  12. No worries. I've seen a few full on lectures about grammar on different forums and one of them here. Although I did want to call you on it I didn't want to embarrass you too badly.
  13. KAYAK not KYACK MOTOR not MOTER Spell check dude.
  14. Try it the worse thing that could happen is you get skunked. Down in my neck of the woods I've been having good luck with Vudu Shrimp with a dose of Pro Cure Inshore on them. The weather has been hit and miss the last couple of weeks but when I can get on the water to do some inshore fishing that's been my go to set up. I've been using the 5" shrimp, our bays are full of bigger shrimp right now.
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