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  1. I would probably never use a color like that. I only use black Trickworms and I catch bass on them year-round under any conditions.
  2. This might sound like a dumb question but what does DOA stand for in D.O.A. lures? I've researched it online and can't find it. Also, does anyone know of any good D.O.A. lures for freshwater? I've only used their saltwater lures but I heard they make freshwater ones now too. Any success with them? Thanks.
  3. Mattlures is by far the best maker of swimbaits IMO. They are incredibly life-like and the action on them is amazing! They look just like the real thing under water. I have only used one of his lures, the Mattlures Baby Bass, it's 5in in length and weighs 1.5 oz. It can catch big fish but will also get the 3 and 4 lbers as well. I caught a 4.5lb bass on it. You should check his swimbaits out. You won't be disappointed.
  4. Hey guys I was just wondering how strictly you follow fishing regulations. If you catch a fish that is an inch or less than an inch from legal size do you keep it? This goes for saltwater too. Yesterday I fished a pier and this guy caught a gag grouper that was 21 and 1/2 in, and he kept it (legal size in the gulf is 22in). Just curious about your opinions on the subject.
  5. dockhead, I noticed you're from the land o lakes area. Are there any lakes out there that are open to the public for fishing? I have family out there and have access to a couple of private lakes, but I'm looking to find some public ones. Any ideas? Thanks.
  6. Thanks for telling me where these fishing spots are guys. I will be fishing them in a day or two. I'll let you know how it goes.
  7. GatorNation, Could you tell me where a stocked pond or two is please with an address or somethin? I'd prefer to know where I'm going instead of just driving around. Plus I read that a lot of them are in neighborhoods. Would the general public that doesn't live there have access? Thanks.
  8. Anybody ever fished this place before? It's a collection of phosphate pits. I've been there a few times but have never caught a bass, yet it's supposed to have excellent fishing with some real trophies. I don't have a boat so I have to walk the bank and fish. I have no idea how to catch bass in phosphate pits. If you have any pointers for this place in particular, or if you have experience fishing phosphate pits, then please let me know. Thanks.
  9. Anybody know of lakes in the Tampa area that are open to the public and that have good bass fishing? I've fished the Hillsborough River a lot but the fishing is terrible! I've never caught anything. I would especially like to find a lake with enough open land to walk around so I can cover some water since I don't have a boat.
  10. Watch out for snapping turtles.
  11. I'll tell you why I'm so down on myself, because ever since I had to move from my home town of Tampa to Gainesville my life has been COMPLETE crap, AND THE PATTERN CONTINUES!!! Honestly, how can someone who's first "relationship" lasted only FOUR days, (well TWO actually cuz for those two days we were together), be anything BUT a LOSER. Let's just face it, there's NOBODY out there for me. The painkillers went down real easy. Shouldn't be long til I feel the effects.
  12. Well, for those of you who have been following my latest posts on girls I just thought you should know this because I need to vent. My first date went really well but i just found out today that the girl I was "dating" doesn't want to date me anymore because she's "not ready for another relationship right now." She said she wants to know me better as a friend but for crying out loud, I'VE KNOWN HER FOR A WHOLE YEAR. HOW LONG DOES IT TAKE TO KNOW SOMEONE WELL ENOUGH. I thought if you become too close a friend it will never work out. Well anyway, I feel like complete crap right now. Honestly, look at how big a loser I am. The first time I ask someone out and it lasts a whopping four days. I don't know what to think now. I guess I'll just be single the rest of my life and die alone. Right now I think I'll just OD on some pain killers.
  13. What is a "plactic worm?" Is it some new super cool lure for the Bait Monkey to get my hands on?
  14. This has got be the DUMBEST thing ever invented. LEARN HOW TO CAST WITH A REAL ROD!!! Who wants to teach their son or daughter to fish by using this thing? I see no benefit WHATSOEVER. Honestly, do the people who invented this product ACTUALLY think it will save time? Just buy a decent spincast combo for your child so they can learn to fish the REAL way. These stupid products really annoy the CRAP out of me! Geez! What a STUPID piece of JUNK. I bet my all of my fishing tackle that this "rocket fishing rod" will break the first time you hook a decent fish on it (if that's possible). Then, the little ones can get discouraged when the thing breaks and they lose a nice fish. They won't ever want to fish again. I'm even more surprised that Roland Martin actually showcased this product. He must have gotten paid a crap-load of money.
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