Hey everybody!! Found this place a few weeks ago and got hooked. I have learned more here in a month about fishing than i had in my lifetime. Kudos to all y'all that make this site so great. I'm a 28 year old virtual newbie to bass fishing located right outside of Ocean City, Maryland. I have a few small ponds within a couple miles from my home and a few more good ones within a half hour drive. I have been catching 1.5lb to 2.5lbers steady with my best being about 3lbs. My giirlfriend who had never caught a fish in her life landed a 3.75 to 4lber her first night out with me.
Now heres my problem, I have gut hooked three out of my last four fish and not been able to get the hook out. I mean darn near the whole hook is buried down in the gullet. No matter how I twist and push or pull the hook it won't budge. The first two were gamakatsu finesse w.g weedless size 2's . The last was on a gamakatsu offset shank worm ewg size 2/0. I have been using senko's wacky style and t-rigged. I have two different types of forceps/pliers that were working great for hook removal until the last couple of days. All of these bass were caught right before dark. After trying to free the hook for about five to seven minutes I give up and cut my line giving the bass a leader hanging out their mouth. It has ruined my two last outings as I don't want to kill the fish. What am I doing wrong? Thanks.....