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Everything posted by Joedodge

  1. I'm sorry man I live in Florida. I'm a long ways off from Ya. Isk what the waters like there. If the water is very clear visibility some say a leader can't hurt
  2. Walk softly, fan cast, truly try an learn the waters you fish. When a bait is really working or the fiah are biting take note of the weather, baits and technique used. Remember it! And avoid letting your shadow hit the water the fish see you waaayyyyy before you see them
  3. Very interested in this thread as I have a ton of hydrilla and cover on all the banks near me. Sorry I don't have much input other than give it a try
  4. That's entirely up you. Some say yes a lot of people just tie straight braid
  5. Look and find out for sure and let us know. There should be a manufacturer and model on the blank. Also look at the guides do they have like a ceramic Insert in them? If it s st. Croix im sure it's fine
  6. It doesn't hurt a thing. As long as the guides on your pole are inserted for braid. What kind of pole do you have?
  7. It really ca be simplified so much. I got crazy about it at first till I realized.......if the fish are feeding.....they are feeding. I have run I to really Clearwater occasions where I could watch 1 pound bass come out and look at a color worm and then change to a known good color in that lake and they'd kill it! But for the most part black/blue laminate, green pumpkin, watermelon red will get Ya really far!
  8. Run what ya brung! Screw keeping up with the steriotypes! Who cares what it looks like it's how ya fish
  9. Thanks a lot everyone! More to come im working on a trolling motor mount now. Due to the design of the flotation caps a lot of them won't work. But Meyers boats owns michiccraft now. So I have an email in to them. I believe there pre made mount for the sportspal will work on this boat! Gotta add a cleat to the flotation cap for anchoring, and a get a battery box. Other than that it's pretty much ready to roll.
  10. I'm doin the same with a free canoe! Me and my 6 year old boy are having a blast! Good for you guys man. Wear your flotation and have fun! Looks awesome
  11. Awesome thanks so much everyone for the explanations deffinatly cleared it up
  12. So Ya think bass fishing ya think lay downs, low hanging trees, weed lines and the like under water trees lily pad fields! Something im unclear on is fishing deep? I see a lot of people talk about fishing bass in deep holes in lakes! Anyone have ny insight on this?
  13. And the 5 gallon bucket in the pic will be replaced by the battery for the trolling motor. I just fill it for water and place it in the bow for ballast
  14. I actually have a mushroom anchor not sure if it van be seen in the loaded pic or not at the dock. I need to get a cleat tho. That's an excellent idea for position thanks so much!
  15. It's on the list!
  16. Thanks I'm trying lol! It's coming along
  17. A few more progress pics it wouldn't let me add to original post
  18. so my father in law gave me a canoe a few months back. It's a 1987 michiccraft aluminum 14 foot. I've been working on making it my lake vessel since well it's free,a nd im on a budget lol. I've been able to clean and paint the inside, remove one of the three thwart bars, add foam padding, made DIY Rod holders, and built the frame for the back of my truck for hauling. I plan to add a trolling motor and mount and a humminbird piraña max. I just got the numbers put on it from the tax collector, and started cleaning the old decals off. It's a 39" beam in the center super stable canoe I can stand and paddle or fish no problem. Just wanted to show the younger guys or budget conscious guys a free canoe or boat and a lil work can be rewarding!
  19. Here's my bank bag that's always loaded and ready. Compact comes in at 8 pounds loaded bag included. I'm just about ready for any type of water with what I carry. I'll get a pick of my storage cabinet later in the garage
  20. This was today's attempt. The second I vertically slide it into my back pack everything bunches up bad
  21. Yeah man look that stuff up and be careful!
  22. See I ran Into the sliding in the compartments and bunching up when I put the box in my back pack. That's why I'm playing with the freezer bag for the original bag set up im still not satisfied lol. A lot of my creature and beaver baits bunch up bad since I store the box in my pack vertically
  23. Well I bought a Plano box today and messed around with my baits some. I just couldn't get them how I wanted to be organized lol. That and the stink of gambler baits not in the sealed bags stunk my garage up instantly lol. So I'm gonna kiss ( keep it simple stupid) and put my bags in a freezer bag in my back pack lol
  24. I've had it work on culprit and jethro ribbon tail worms no problem. Gets me at least the beginning of another trip out of them. I try to be as money conscious as possible I love fishing but I'm borderline cheap due To having a family and Such.
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