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Everything posted by Joedodge

  1. Thanks for that! It looks great!
  2. Really depends on your skill level and how much you use it. If ya can do a lot yourself it will naturally be lower. Now as a master auto and diesel tech I will say to the weekend warrior...........pay me now or pay me later, not everyone is as mechanically inclined as they believe or as much as you tube tells them
  3. Also the conduit tube is a great idea! Hope ya don't mind if I steal that one lol
  4. That's 10 gauge wire no worries and I consulted a wire gauge chart ( I'm a certified auto diesel tech). For my current draw 10 gauge at the length I ran should be fine. It's what I had laying around so I used that. I plan to check the wires with it under load after a while. If current draw seems excessive or I find to much voltage drop at the load I can always up the wire gauge. I greatly appreciate the concern and looking out for me and my project! Thanks everyone
  5. Thanks a lot nice thing is to everything I've done can basically be transferred to another canoe or Jon boat some day if anything happens to this one
  6. Well it's a month later pretty much but I got a motor guide 30# thrust motor with a composite shaft, went to a local battery shop and got a recon group 27 deep cycle and a 1.5 amp hr trickle charger. Extended the wiring and got some Velcro straps to try and keep it neat and tidy as possible. She's pretty much finished for now. Later on maybe a second battery for longer days on bigger lakes and a depth finder but for now she's complete. Gonna take her out on Friday after work I believe
  7. Looks great man! Keep in mind some of the spray and pour in foam is corrosive to aluminum
  8. Thanks so much for the help guys!
  9. Awesome! Can't wait to see more pics man!
  10. Very well could be. He's a good friend who's a co worker also. He's an avid saltwater fisherman and his neighbor gave them to him and now I ended up with them lol
  11. Oh wow ok. Some are real daredevils. Some are red eye evil eye and marathon
  12. I'll look in a minute. What are the daredevils good for? I mean I've caught bass on gold spoons so I'm assuming they work
  13. Ahh ok cool. So the larger odd looking ones must be the walleye spinners.
  14. Better shot of the spoons
  15. I know some of them are really old in line spinner rooster tails. And the rest are spoons. But does anyone know what kind they may be or what they are for? A co worker brought all this in and gave it to me today. Just curious if anyone remember when they where new or what they where
  16. Hmmmm the carp have been spawning like crazy here. I never thought about this attracting bass in anyway!
  17. A lot of the ponds and lakes in my area are quite pressured finding those un fished gems is pretty rough. Lots of hydrilla also makes it tough. I have t had to so stealthily quite tho. I'm sure it helps. But I'm also out for size and numbers I like catching fish. We have fields of pads I mean thick weighted ribbon tails or a top water frog seems to do the best.
  18. I'm sure it'll be ugly lol
  19. I picked up some flipping hooks, and some 1-1 1/2 ounce tungsten weights. My 7'3" MH will do for now. Just gotta see how it gos in a canoe lol
  20. Awesome so with summer pretty much here I gotta start trying this. How productive can it be in heavy hydrilla fields?
  21. Been sick all week so haven't been out to fish at all. But I agree with snook. I fish for enjoyment but I'm pretty dang focused on what's going on when I'm on the bank. If anything I'm more relaxed and leisurely when I'm in my canoe because there's more to look at lol.
  22. Thanks for all the help everyone it's really apprexiated
  23. To cool man. Nothing like a budget project! And doing the work yourselves. Awesome to hear about another trade worker in this site! Proud to be one myself. And your right it's not often we can relate our trade to fishing or enjoyment. Teach your step son and pass it on! My boy is 7 and we are doing similar but not as involved to a canoe. America doesn't need anymore silver spoon fed brats who think they know it all by 14. My hat is off to you sir
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