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Everything posted by Joedodge

  1. Oh wow ok. I figured today would be perfect sunny clear sky's so we hat stained water I really felt like a white fluke was gonna kill it. But it didn't lol
  2. So me and my so. Fished a local canal here in fl today. It was unusually high, it is right along a gulf course. Man I could seen tons of bass of all sizes . Threw trick worms, yum dingers, and super flukes of different colors and different retrieves. And threw a rooster tail. Sun was shining 63 degrees out only got one to bite right in front of me at the bank but man I had to persuade him and let him have it and open the bail on the reel and let him swim to swallow it. A cool front settled in yesterday with some rain Friday. But man this was torture lol
  3. So several times here in Florida I've been throwing white or green zoom super flukes with no success I love how they fish and swim. I've tried different retrieves and rigging. Anyone else run into this?
  4. I'm sure some Velcro could fashion a nice one
  5. i like that Ida but don't like the idea of putting soft plastics in a box especially scented
  6. Ok very cool I wasn't sure how much yall really where carrying. By no means is it to heavy.
  7. I've caught on the trick worms and dingers, but can't decide which one to carry so I carry both and im still expierementing with the flukes. Pack isn't to heavy at all
  8. Ok awesome! At least I'm not the only one lol who over packs
  9. So I've found some that catch and some that don't. But find it hard to leave them at home. I like to be prepared. Am I carrying to much? What do you carry?
  10. Ahh awesome!
  11. I wish I had some input. Buti m really interested in the answers as frogs is somethg im wanting to get into
  12. Plano hard boxes. I mean Itsnot terrible just something I noticed lol
  13. Just started freshwater fishing a month ago. So mostly I've tried yum dingers, trick worm, rooster tail, and rattl trap. All have been great except the rattl trap haven't caught a thing on them lol
  14. Haha that's too funny. Thanks for the replys everyone
  15. Haha well said didn't think of that option
  16. So in my box in my back I the hooks, sinkers and lures and such rattle and shake as I walk the nature preserve and ponds. Does this drive anyone else insane or have a decent solution. I may look for lil bags
  17. I'm also in pinellas the ponds in the largo area have had bed fish, one I could see and caught ran right back to the bed. Can you crop the photo to make it smaller!
  18. I've been having great success on my 3000 daiwa with 15 pound fins wind tamer braid. Casts a mile and spools so nice . I think my fishing improved a lot with soft plastics when I went to braid
  19. Lol that's what scares me is losing gear and trespassing charges lol
  20. It is a shame. Come to find out there's a lake that's behind the city hall where my wife works, me and a buddy fished this weekend caught some nice bass. Come to find out 20 foot behind us was a no trespassing and no fishing sign. Never saw it till going back today. Sucks no fence or anything one side is houses other is city hall and police station
  21. Lol that's the funny thing a lot of ours have no fence, no signs, occasionaly you'll find a small sign in one spot lol
  22. I agree lol I don't want anyone thinking I condone this. It was a topic that came up at work today is all
  23. Most of outrs aren't true owned private ponds and lakes they are city owned, golf course ponds, or retirement home ponds and such. I'm not really talking like private home owner land
  24. Here in fl most of our ponds and lakes are private property in one form or another. You guys still fish them? Ever asked to leave?
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