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Everything posted by Joedodge

  1. Yeah there everywhere her lol. I stumbled on one bank fishing this weekend. Ok I'll just have to give it a go. I just wasn't sure how to go about a big lake
  2. A lot of our large lakes are no wake or no gas engines. The large one like Kissimmee an tarpon and such are speed racer zones lol. Yeah the gators never bother me. I leave them alone they leave me alone. Ok I'll have to look for maps. It just didn't seem productive to fish the deep centers of the lake I guess
  3. This will sound dumb but it's a simple concept to fish lakes and ponds I canals from the bank. Ya work the cover ya can and walk the bank. I recently got a canoe and have some very large lakes in my area. I wana try improving my catches. But aside from fishing the banks from a boat how do ya fish large lakes?
  4. Oh yeah I've had some really good days so far. Just wasn't totally sure if it really turns up as spring comes or not.
  5. I throw yum dingers a lot. But actually have yet to throw them wacky
  6. Awesome to hear. Hopefully we all do good in 2015 spring
  7. So I started bass fishing in December. I've done pretty well, seen the bite turn off and on with the cold fronts. Caught a lot of 1 pounders and smaller a few 2-3 pound fish. Had great days and skunked days so far. All though the last week or so I've fished both weekends and a few mornings and a afternoon. And the bite has really been off. It got me thinking when does the bite pick up where these beasts are on fire? Thought I'd ask the more expierenced Floridian fisherman
  8. Ok after fishing the same pond today I figured out what it was. Since the sun was out that thing is loaded with plecostamus ( fish tank sucker fish) lol I snagged another one today on accident! Ugh
  9. Oh man no kidding that's Awesome! I'll remember that
  10. Haha no it's a medium power fast action 7 foot apinng rod and 20 pound braid. I know it's light for frogging but it's what I have for now
  11. Thanks for all the help everyone
  12. It's the same here man. I can see the bass thick as can be in the mid day sun. But they just don't wana feed they can be tempted with a dinger or trick worm, today I had a few hits on a frog. But by no means are they feeding heavy. A lil frustrating lol since I dropped salt water fishing for bass in the winter it's a learning curve lol
  13. Well today fishing a heavy lily pad lake I got three blow ups fish missed the frog on one and I missed the hook set on the other two. I'm being to gentle I think. I'm gonna try again tomm
  14. Oh man lol most of the ponds and canals I fish are shallower than 8 feet. And theme canal had a lot of cover and mid day the bass can be seen thick. And the one lake by the house is so thick with pads
  15. Lol I fished the pads at a local lake that is full of them. Fished about two hrs. Had two real good blow ups. One missed the frog I threw that spot again but no luck. The other I tried to set the hook to soon. I'm absolutely hooked. I'm fishing all day tomm and gonna try and hit that lake again late in the day and see if I have better luck
  16. From what everyone's saying I had a catfish lol. They are in the one pond I fish alot
  17. Ahh yes exactly! That's what I'm running into. Glad to hear it's not just me. Florida is a tough one. We don't fit any of the typical fishing patterns like anywhere else in the us
  18. Been hit or miss here. I can normally get at least get one or two or some decent hook ups. Got skunked yesterday befor work. I think the real cold mornings have moved the fishing to afternoon time here in fl
  19. Man thanks so much for the help everyone! This should be so awesome
  20. Ok I'll do that. I'll probably spend all day on the banks Sunday from early till evening so I'll try them out at a few ponds
  21. It's been 50s in the mornings and well into the seventies and sunny in the afternoon here fog on the water in the morning I can't wait to give it a try. I'm gonna try hollow body and soft plastics
  22. Lol I grew up shark and flats fishing my whole life. This is actually more of a challenge and more fun to me
  23. From what everyone's saying an what I've read I gonna try throwing them. What's the worst that will happen I'll get skunked lol
  24. Doesn't sound crazy at all. I'm still acquiring lures since switching over to freshwater. So I haven't necissarly found the hot ticket at my ponds. I mostly throw yum dingers. Other than that rooster tails have been great on occasion. Rattle traps I've ha a couple hook ups but nothing landed on them. I got some top water frogs and chatter baits to try now tho
  25. Man ok awesome I didn't know it was so versatile
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