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Everything posted by Joedodge

  1. Awesome thanks guys. I appreciate the help. My medium spinning rods haven't failed me at all. I actually like them. I have one bait caster combo it a m/he fast action lightning rod shock. And a shimano reel. I fish the spinning rods almost exclusively. But have a major romance going with a bait caster is the problem lol
  2. All three. But I prefer backing so I don't have a ton of braid filling a spool for no reason.
  3. So I got the starlight series medium 7' spining rod this week. Me and my son hit the pond today. I got on 2 12-14" 1 pound fish. That's basically what that pond has for now till they grow out. I had no issues casting a yum dinger, and could feel the small tail biter bass hit a ribbon tail worm tail no problem. Rod loaded nice and wasn't whippy or anything the backbone was nice. I know they where small fish but the rod performed very well for its $50 price range and Id be inclined to step up to there next in line day light series for a new reel coming tomm.
  4. Lol it looks decent because of how I had to crop the photo to allow it to post. They where both in the 12-14" range and about a pound according to the scale. That's about the size of the fish in that pond. But there hungry and it's always a fun lil place to catch a few
  5. A pic of one of the ones we got. They fought like they where bigger lol
  6. Fished a small community center pond with my son here in pinellas fl today. Got 2 nice fat lil one pound fish. Weather was nice wanted to get out before this kinda nasty week headed.
  7. Ahh ok excellent thanks for the advice and help
  8. I've been watching you tube vids today! I found some pretty good ones
  9. What would you guys suggest for a combo? And pound of braid? I fish a decent amount of lily pads and hydrilla down here in Florida
  10. Ok Id like to transition to a bait caster but I mostly throw 1/4 ounce rooster tails, jerk baits, light rattle traps and minnow cranks, and a ton of soft plastic worms and swimbaits either weightless or on a 1/8 swim bait hook. But wasn't sure if it's do able
  11. That's kind of what I figured. I know the spools are smaller and lighter weight now compared to old reels.
  12. Ugh cold front after cold front is getting old fast! I wanted to get out today but didn't make it
  13. I've done the search and watched the vids from youtube. Me and a freind have been talking a lot about this lately. On the modern bait caster, and medium or M/H rods and modern braid. Can you efficiently throw weightless soft plastics and light jerk baits or crank baits? Can they be casted and worked well?
  14. Thanks so much for the great detailed replay and pm!
  15. I agree I won't lie I've always fished $40-80 rods in salt and now in freshwater im doing the same. I have a Procyon rod, and a berkley lightning rod shock. I just got a halo starlight and will be grabbing a halo daylight this week. I grabbed the halo almost because of the bad reviews. I wanted to put them to the test because of there price point and the fact there local built rods in FL. And I like supporting local business
  16. Woooooo I can't wait
  17. So I got a 1986 michi craft aluminum canoe 14' x38" beam. Took it out last week and it did great, didn't seem to have any leaks or seeps. It needs some cleaning to get some sprinkler water stains off the haul im working on that today. I made some diy rod holders since the aluminum thwarts and sides scratched rods up good. I'm gonna put armoflex padding on the aluminum thwart bars. My question is has anyone made a lay in removable rug with some cheap indoor outdoor carpet for a canoe? I wana do this. Does anyone else have any great diy ideas?
  18. Thanks bassin lou, I didn't think there was any reason to. Thanks for all the replys everyone! Just an interesting topic to discuss. I hope to get on some fish with frogs this spring lol
  19. Lol thanks for all the help everyone. Equipment isn't the issue its the i Dian lol. I'm using mostly medium fast action 7 foot rods, 15 pound braid, vcm weighted 3/0 swim bait or Gammy hooks. Mostly fish soft plastics and swim baits usually. I feel I have a decent hook set, just figured I could always improve as lately I have had some fish shaking the hook.
  20. I have one I just put a bait caster on. For a rod sold at Walmart and in the $39 range. It's amazing nice quality an finish action is great. They can't be beat for the cost
  21. I've been loosing some so I was watching some vids trying to improve and was just amazed man! They flat winch them fish lol
  22. So I was watching g some Randal Tharp and it Kenney vids on you tube. I'm using stout rods and braid line. And feel I have a fairly aggressive hook set. But man am I doin something wrong by not having a raging aggressive hook set lol
  23. My local shop sells the Procyon combos for $130 I want another combo so bad lol
  24. The berkley lightning rod shock series casting rod I have is well built nice finish and excellent action ad sensitivity. Great bang for the buck
  25. Whys the advantage I swimming a truck work or dinger on a weighted swim bait hook? Just a faster drop?
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