So I went bank fishing Monday all day and flats fishing with. Buddy yesterday. Wore my uv long sleeves a hat glasses and my buff. Monday I noticed numbness in my hands very mild, and a burning in my index fingers. Then yesterday a horrible burning sensation but nothing obvious appeared. We got back to the boat ramp and I was scorched, I never burn bad im dark completed and grew up in florida. Either way wound up in the emergency room last night for my hands burning so bad I could not sleep or sit still. Found out due to a antibiotic im on its photosensitive and I should not have been in the sun at all. My dr or pharmacist never said anything. I probably should have looked the meds up myself but didn't. Got burn cream and a steroid shot. Good thing I'm off work all week just kinda blew my vacation lol. Moral is guys please please be careful in the sun especially if your on any meds I learned a big lesson yesterday