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  • My PB
    Between 6-7 lbs
  • Favorite Bass

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Short Fish (4/9)



  1. How much do you pay to fill up your boat?
  2. looking at joining a club and ran into them when they were in the middle of a tournament and was thinking about joining anyone hear about them before? thanks
  3. My moms looking at buying a house with its own pond that dumps into the mullica river so i was wondering how the fishing is there? Ive never fished it before but im interested in anything that bites lol let me know thanks
  4. haddon lake in audubon, nj
  5. well for me i like a 7ft because I'm a bank fisherman but the falcon bucoo rod they have a 7ft heavy and my dad has a denali jadewood j2 7ft mh for jigs but i think they have a 7ft H too and both are about $100
  6. i tried using my friends reel who is right handed and i use left handed and after about 10 minutes i gave up because it just felt so weird lol so i could help
  7. as long as it floats and has good hooks on it ill use anything to try to catch fish lol but most brands are the same i like the H20 xpress by academy because they have a good color selection and come with vmc trebles
  8. the yum dinger in green pumpkin/chart or carolina pumpkin/chart
  9. ill peg a weight straight to the plastic when I'm punching, but if I'm fishing sparse cover or lay downs ill peg it but leave a 1inch gap to let the bait move freely kinds like the swinging jigeads and if I'm fishing docks ill usually never peg it
  10. i started a post a couple days ago (bass fishing in nj) with my biggest this year probably around 4 1/2-5lbs she nailed a yum wolly bug in crawdad and really put up a fight trying to pull her through the pads and today, (i know its not a bass) but i missed a snakehead at least 20inches, i was slow rolling a strike king swim jig along the edges of grass and he inhaled it i had people running over to see what i was fighting because it was splashing everywhere but when i went to lift him up the bank he popped off and a little part of me died for that split second lol
  11. i thought the same thing when i first picked up a baitaster, I've always used spinning rods for over 10 years and 3 years ago i picked up my first baitcaster because i wanted to get into fishing heavier jigs and to start punching now its all i use!
  12. when your on a pattern how long will it last until it starts to slow down or disappear all together? because over the past week and a half I've been on the same pattern and its still producing thanks
  13. nope but unofficial length is 22 inches i took a picture next to my rod and measures my rod later
  14. i caught her in about 2-3ft of water
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