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  • Gender
    Not Telling
  • Location
  • My PB
    Between 5-6 lbs
  • Favorite Bass
  • Favorite Lake or River
    <p>private pond</p>
  • Other Interests
    <p>surf fishing, skiing</p>

bassfisherman7's Achievements


Fry (1/9)



  1. I barely understand bass as it is that's wild! I just read an article about how to fish Lake Anna and none of it made logical sense to my bass knowledge. I just want to feel the tug on the end of my line to get me through the winter. Tight Lines C
  2. do the fish swarm the plant during the winter and are the bass sluggish like during a normal winter in a normal pond?
  3. How warm is lake anna this time of year? I'm a fellow northern virginia angler myself and I'm dying to get bass fishing like it is in the summer. thank you
  4. I have never heard of that before and at first I thought you were joking but that's actually pretty accurate. Thank you for your opinion... I think that makes a lot of sense and one of the reasons I love bass fishing is because it takes time to become good at it. You won't become great at it the first week or month or years. You have to truly invest yourself into the sport if you want to become good at it. Which is why developing an eye for fish is really hard to do because it takes time to develop a good eye for the fish. It's even harder for a young angler like myself because I obviously want to boast my PB which at first was higher than the fish actually was. Anyways, I like to ramble so sorry about that. Tight Lines C
  5. Thank you for all the feedback guys! My guess was about 6 pounds and the that's why it's PB says 6-7 because I thought she might hit six but according to the majority she probably wouldn't have. Indeed, they are the same fish and it looks bigger on the ground because I hold my fish close to my body so I don't overshoot my guess on how much she weighs when I look back on the picture. Obviously, I was about a pound over even though she was a chunk. I thought she was pretty big coming out of a small pond in Maryland. Anyways, thanks for the feedback and hope you guys have tight lines this year! PS~I bought two scales soon after so I wouldn't have this situation again. C
  6. I bet it's a couple ounces shy of five pounds. Nice fish!
  7. hahaha Thats what I thought too.
  8. Hey guys, This is my personal best by far and I was furious because I didn't have my scale. I have a picture of it right next to my shoe, which is 12 inches exactly and estimate the fish to be about 22 inches long. Any guesses? Thanks C
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