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Everything posted by JGD

  1. Not sure if it’s been mentioned but Mann’s Auger Dog I believed it was called. A 7” lizard in black. That thing was absolutely a pre spawn bass slayer. John
  2. You may have been disappointed but in my humble opinion you caught one of the best eating fresh water fish that swims. Pity those who have never tried one. John
  3. Thanks guys. Yes, although I was in Michigan a long time ago on business, this is my first vacation there. The type of fishing will be brand new to me but I look forward to it. Thanks for the tips. John
  4. Yes that’s the one. Thanks for the map. Looks pretty deep. John
  5. My family and I are going to be in the lake ann area at the end of June. I hope to get in a little fishing. I’ll be fishing from the bank or at most a kayak. Never been to this area before but seems to be a lot of lakes around. Anyone got some advice on what to expect or what places to hit or stay away from? Let’s hear it from the Michiganers. Thanks, John.
  6. I’m strictly a bank fisherman so I use a sling pack that I wear across my body. I rotate it behind me when actually fishing then bring it around when changing baits etc. Works super slick. It’s not real large but I can carry more stuff in it than I’ll ever need. Far as I’m concerned it’s the only way to go when you want to be mobile. John
  7. My girls were older when they started, about the early to mid teens. I started them on spinning tackle and crank baits. The bass usually hook themselves when they hit. Told them to keep the rod high and don’t let the line go slack. They have been pretty successful in hooking and landing their fish. Good luck with your young ones. John
  8. Pretty much what I use too. Seems to work. John
  9. Count me in as a bank fisherman. Been doing it for 50+ years. Probably can’t add to whatever’s been posted but when fishing small bodies of water and coming upon a corner, toss your lure slightly upon the bank and gently drag it into the water. I think a bass can actually hear/feel the lure hit the bank because it seems many times they’re waiting on it. Some of my very best bass have been caught doing this. Of course if your out in a boat you could do this all the time so a kayak may be in my future. John
  10. I caught my PB way back in the early 90’s when a buddy and I fished all the time. Got married, got a house and had kids and drifted away from fishing up until 5-6 years ago. I’m more serious about it now than I ever was but I’ve not been able to beat my pb or at least while I had a scale with me. Caught 2 fish 1-2 years ago that I thought might do it but no way to know for sure. The quest continues. John
  11. Anyone see this? A little long but pretty interesting if not a little concerning. John
  12. As a dedicated spin rod fisher, my go to is a Hurricane Red Bone MH. I hear Star makes some good ones too. These are considered inshore rods and that would be the direction I’d be looking. John
  13. Not really fishing books but when I was in the first grade the library had 2 books called “Billy Bass” and “Bobby Bluegill” Absolutely loved reading those books about the life cycle of these fish. Never knew what became of them. Good luck in your search. John
  14. I wear Lacrosse Granges. But I’m a bank and small water fisherman.??? John
  15. Thanks guys for the advice. Mick, that is one detailed tutorial for fixing a rod. I’ll probably put another tip on it and see how it fishes. At this point I have little to lose. John
  16. What do you all do with a rod that has about the last 2” broke off. Trash it or put another tip guide on it and keep using or something different? I guess it certainly depends on the rod. How much does it change the action? Thanks, John.
  17. I have surfed this forum for sometime and rarely post. Started fishing in the early 70’s with a cane pole then quickly to a spin cast which I hated. Thought spinning and casting reels were for grown ups. Got my first spinning outfit a few years later, a Mitchell 300. Fast forward 40+ years and still use spinning gear. Saw no reason to change. In the last several years I mainly target the bigger bass in my area and to that end find my inshore rig works very well. I still use a lighter outfit but rather use the heavy one. At my age I’ll probably never pick up a casting reel. What’s that saying…what you don’t know won’t hurt you. Or maybe it can. John
  18. I have never had a problem with knots until this year. Been tying the improved clinch knot on mono for near 50 years and all’s been good until one day a couple of months ago. Before I even went fishing I cut off about a foot and tied on a lure. Made a few cast and hung into a pretty good one. Broke off right at the bank. I was a little annoyed. Tied back up with same setup and same exact same thing happens again. Another good one and another lost bait. I’m thinking WTH is going on! Checked the rod guides and anything else I can thing of and came up with nothing. Never had this problem before or since and I can count on one hand the number of fish that have actually broke a line. And I do check it frequently. It was 15# Big Game. John
  19. I was at a seminar probably back in the 80’s and watched Hank Parker pitch a jig in to a small styrofoam cup from about 30’ away while engaging the crowd. Did it over and over and if he missed the opening he still hit the cup. He simply made it look effortless. I’d say that’s pretty dang accurate. John
  20. Yeah it probably ain’t a secret much anymore but throwing big salt water baits for bass is something I discovered back in the 80’s. One of my buddies bought a tackle box at a yard sale and among other large baits was a Riplin Redfin I believe it was called. He gave it to me it accounted for several big bass over the years. When a fish hit it you could be sure it was well bigger than average. I like to throw a Super Spook as well. Bass just seem to hate those things but in a good way. I think they’re trying to kill it most of the time. John
  21. Mann’s Auger tail lizard Strike King 3/8 oz black spinner bait with copper Colorado blades Brothers black buzzbait Culprit purple worm Would not leave home without them. John.
  22. Anyone here remember Sports Authority? Anyway, right before they went bankrupt I ordered a rod from them at a great price. It came in a very flimsy 2 piece square cardboard tube that was taped in the middle with one layer of scotch tape. I could actually see about a 2 inch section of the rod and I thought, no way is this not going to be broke. However, all was good and I still have the rod. Didn’t have a clue they were ready to go under or I’m sure I wouldn’t have ordered. John
  23. I’m from Kentucky. Mostly a pond hopper. Do you fish Guist Creek? Not far from Lagrange and suppose to be a petty good place. John
  24. Thanks so much for your replies. AJ, you have given me a lot to look at. Thank you sir. John
  25. Yep, 11000 lakes is overwhelming to look at. I've probably looked at 100 of them online and many look like beautiful places to visit. With that said, I'm sure the fishing can vary quite a lot among them. Pretty much open to any part of the state except for the UP. That Menderchuck place looked fabulous. Thanks, John.
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