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  • My PB
    Between 5-6 lbs
  • Favorite Bass
  • Favorite Lake or River
    The one I live on

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  1. I am comfortable fishing 30+. I jig with 10 inch worms. We caught 6 over 3.5 lbs on a ledge that dropped down to 32 ft. My deepest is 52 ft.
  2. Litter is a low life attitude. That being said, my wife and I have been boating/fishing together for over 35 years. She would not hesitate to confront anybody who was littering! So many times in the canoe (her in the front) she would see something and tell me "get over there, I want to talk to them". Sure made for some interesting outings. Each April we would do a canoe ride around the pond we live on and collect the garbage left behind. We would have bags of trash. Being the spring, most could be attributed to Ice Fishermen. Second worst would be bank fishermen, at the only shore access to the pond it was a daily occurrence for her to bring home trash after walking the dogs. These type of people are not Sportsman and do not care about the future of the fishery. My wife died Dec 20th. We have all lost a fighter for the the natural environment we all enjoy. I challenge all of you that said you do not stand up and say something when seeing someone litter to make a stand for what you enjoy. If you don't it WILL be gone!!
  3. I think your answer should have been, None of your d**n Business!
  4. "Buck Snort" Canoeing along the shore line at night and this deer snored so loud! Scared the hell out of me.
  5. A couple more young fishermen on the boat this morning. The one with the thumbs up was scared to death of the water. Two fish later and he is on the bow driving!!
  6. He got a new PB today...2.64lbs
  7. Teaching this young man to bass fish. First catch was 2.22 Lbs!
  8. No, but I have seen a lot of them and none have EVER said your pier will be violated..LOL
  9. "First of all if you buy a place with public access im sure the fine print states many times in the contract your pier will get violated sometimes.." No it Doesn't. here in Maine a couple years ago, a newly elected State Senator put in a Bill to make it Illegal to fish within 150 Ft of a dock. It went no where but it shows that there are people who don't want us there. He is a waterfront property owner.
  10. Both side here as well. I will go around a dock with people on or near but don't mind if someone fishes my dock. My biggest problem is Ice Fisherman. I guess If you can walk on the water, it's ok to use my back yard to set up your kitchen and bar.......and if I ask them to move I'm the A%$(@%E land owner who thinks I own the pond. And to the original idea of the post, I have had people tell me they are a Vet and fought for the "Freedom/right" to fish here! and I am a Retired/disabled Vet who fought for the right to buy here!
  11. I hooked one on a purple worm through the roof of the mouth. I came up like a log. No fight. It was maybe an 18 inch shell.
  12. ward131


  13. My co-worker (female) said her husband (Game Warden) calls her a Keeper and their kids his Bag Limit.
  14. I am usually the only one fishing but am seldom alone. My wife goes out but does not fish. I do invite friends to go with me but don't get allot of takers....maybe I am "that guy"
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