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Everything posted by tallydude

  1. I'm enjoying your comments and it turns out the wife hasn't informed her mom of our decision yet- we're still waiting on some Kansas information- I might get stuck with this after all.
  2. Nate, I have flown over 35 times. I hate it and I don't see the point of flying all that way to sit on a beach when I can do the same thing here.
  3. Mother in law bought flights and hotel stay for 9 days in Maui. Just convinced the wife that we didn't have time to go with the upcoming move to Kansas. Real truth is that I have a massive phobia of flying and I'm not hip on spending 26 hours in the air within one week. Ain't I terrible?
  4. Christine received her offer today, which means that we'll be headed out there permanently next month. Good times.
  5. Are you kidding me? I'm jealous.
  6. Thanks guys. I'm from Kentucky originally, and aside from having a superior basketball history (I had to get that in there), it's similar to Kansas except Kansas has less hills and is windier. Hope to find out this week.
  7. tallydude


    I'm a big fan of my Costa's. I have the amber lenses and wear them everywhere. I especially like them for driving when it is raining. It's amazing how much more you can see.
  8. Apparently, Mom forgot I read these posts. I love you, too. ;D
  9. Try baking the striper using the salt encrusted technique. Google it and you'll have no problems.
  10. What's up dudes? Long time, no posting. Long story short, my wife nailed her interview in Wichita and was pretty much told by the staff to expect her formal offer on Monday or Tuesday. That means we'd be leaving Florida for Kansas no later than the end of the year. I'm enrolled here at FSU and hate to leave the school (I'd have to transfer to Wichita State), but the increase in pay would mean I could go to school full time. Unfortunately Kansas doesn't have the fishing diversity of Florida, but I'm sure it'll be fine. Besides, the deer there are bigger. Fingers crossed, guys. We're hoping this goes through.
  11. Jack Johnson and then Lyle Lovett for me.
  12. Star Wars (The Holy Trilogy- not the second series) Riding Giants Singles Jeremiah Johnson Goodfellas Sideways I know that's more than five, but those are the ones most likely to be thrown on after a bottle of wine.
  13. Chris, you're looking great! Great motivation for all of us.
  14. Not gonna win any Oscars, but I enjoyed it.
  15. That's awfully one sided of you.
  16. for example? Agreed. Please explain.
  17. I dare say that this signals downfall of American society. This is just an instance of stupidity- not symbolic of America in general.
  18. And you wouldn't otherwise? Met your ma at the roadtrip last year and have talked with her a few times since.......great lady. 8-) Nah, usually just a lump of coal or a freshly killed squirrel pelt.
  19. I guess I better get her something really nice for Mother's Day now.
  20. I disagree. You have no idea what someone is going to do in this day and age. Nonlethal force was used on this kid. He didn't just deserve it, he earned it.
  21. I've really been getting into photography lately. It's something I can enjoy when I don't have the time or desire (gasp!) to fish. We got a Nikon D5000 recently and I love it. Been reading Ken Rockwell's website, too. Anyone else into photography? What do you like to shoot?
  22. I'm going to school at Florida State, majoring in history with the intention of going to grad school to get my Ph.D. I'm enjoying the series very much. History Channel is doing a nice job presenting American history in a very accessible format for casual viewers.
  23. There is no such critter. Wow. I guess someone never got his junior biology merit badge. :'(
  24. I never noticed the Viking hat reflection before, but it is awesome! Good catch!
  25. I stopped of at the Florida Museum of Natural History yesterday. While there, we came across the jaws of the megalodon, the precursor to the great white shark, that is thankfully extinct.
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