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About fayegarnett

  • Birthday 01/05/1984

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  • Location
    Buffalo, NY

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Minnow (2/9)



  1. Never tried to catch walleyes, but have been hearing a lot of good things about them. Anyone can help me with a good spot? also is it generally better to catch them at night?
  2. is it still possible to catch bass (large or small mouth) in Buffalo right now?
  3. Just moved to Rochester from Buffalo NY. Man do I miss the fishing in Buffalo. Still struggling to find a good local pond to fish. I only shore fish cuz I don't have kayak or boat. Been fishing in Foster Arend Park cuz I live real close. But the bulk of the pond is hard to cast from the bank and the fish I've been catching so far are small ones. The biggest I've caught was 2lb. Heard Silver Lake was good, but still could not find a good spot accessible from the bank. It seems that there are a lot of ponds in the city, but they are either private or without good accessible shorelines. I've also heard Chester Woods Park and Game Haven, haven't tried them out yet. Another body from here have so good urban ponds? Really appreciate it!!!
  4. this is the most exciting BASS tourney i ever watched! Tie in the last 20min and Kreiger, as he often did in the past two days, choked at clutch moments. You can tell KVD is far superior, but he played with fire today and almost burned himself by laying off some good spots for tomorrow. The facts that this happened right in Buffalo and this has become so exciting make this really the best tournament ever. The usual elite tourneys are too big and there are too many people. you tend to lose focus and patience.
  5. After reading some BASS article, i stand corrected. there is prize money. the champion takes home $10,000. now what Powroznik did was even more puzzling. I don't know how he could save cost by quitting and giving up a relatively good chance to win 5k more (all competitors get 5k at least). He may not even make the cut in the next real series tourney.
  6. it is stupid, i mean, why could they not foresee this happening? The whole thing would be moot for people already qualified. i am surprised KVD and B Hite even fish this hard. just throw in a hundred grand, or fifty, and it will be a lot more competitive and fun for the audience. but one thing i don't get, why did Powroznik even come? Is it because it is mandatory?
  7. oh, stalking kvd is legal in this country!!
  8. the bassmaster classic bracket is stupid. there is no prize money, just the right to compete in the classic. now you have powroznik who quit after the first day because he already qualifies. but, what's more ridiculous is that his roommate Krieger who's a pound behind can't seem to catch even a single fish in three hours to advance. now the quitter might advance, lol.
  9. that was not the overflow pond was it? I tried frogging there, but the frog bites were not exist in the overflow pond. but i caught three yesterday at the pond by amherst police station
  10. the overflow pond has been brutal lately. been skunked a couple days. caught two on plastic worms today, including this 2 lber. the fish were so sluggish. anyone knows why? it has not been hot and even before dark the bites were terrible. anyone had better success there lately?
  11. caught two smallies in burt dam. this one a solid two and a half. hooking them on 6lb test was so nerve wracking. they fought like crazy!!! also hooked a bowfin too. didn't know they were in NY, but it came off the last second after a good fight.
  12. Niawanda park and fisherman's park are literally unfishable. there are like a billion moths flying around. horrible.
  13. spent the whole afternoon by the river and caught only one smallie. like another member said, it was real slow. My friend is visiting me from pittsburgh tomorrow, and spent two days here with the hope of catching some smallies. do you guys know anywhere good now? I really dont want him to go home skunked.
  14. my friend caught 8 or 9 yesterday in that pond, all bedding fish
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