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Don't Tell The Wife

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About Don't Tell The Wife

  • Birthday 09/10/1979

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  • Gender
  • Location
    Excelsior Springs, MO
  • My PB
    Between 8-9 lbs
  • Favorite Bass
    All three
  • Favorite Lake or River
    Ozarks is my primary, we are up the Osage
    Kentucky Lake
  • Other Interests
    Waterfowl Hunting

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  1. I don't know about being a better fisherman but I am a better learner. I love observing others and picking their brain from that I can take what I learn, add to it, and I now have something that's my own that I try to teach others. What a fun process. I wish I had more opportunities to be around great fisherman and that I was a little better taking in subtle things in the environment while trying something new. This is what I am trying to get better at and its pretty fun too.
  2. You can skip lots of things. I learned with a jig and pit boss trailer.....now I try to skip anything. Even my spooks. Be creative and lots of practice.
  3. I need to come down and jump in the boat with you and learn something sir! I might be able to pull this off on a Bill Dance lake.
  4. Good read but these guys life is a grind just like golfers and such.
  5. If I am being good Mother Father Usually there is no restraint. Too bad fishing isn't like golf and you could just throw your pole then calmly walk over and get it unless you stuck it in a tree or the pond.
  6. We saw the same conditions up the river. I gave up on the bass although the AIA guys caught some nice bags, 20+ lbs. We traveled a bit down lake and did manage to find several places with clear to stained water which was like before the storms hit and found some nice crappie on the banks. Deer creek was full of trash and chocolate milk, maybe 3 in of visibility. It was crazy when we started finding clearer water as it was a perfect line where the dirty and clear water were. Also that moon was sick....too bad it wasn't the best conditions and warm out or I may have been fishing.
  7. It has been so bad for me with new stuff coming in that I haven't even been able to take pictures and post. Some of the new toys are more of a "boat" monkey vs he traditional bait monkey. Don't worry though I hear he has a large shipment for me coming from Japan soon.
  8. This is something I want to try to get better at. I would like to quit fishing history and use conditions and let the structure and breaks under water guide me more than what I see visually.
  9. Welcome to the forum. You are in my back yard for sure. It's been a bit since I have been out to Rocky Hollow but sounds like a solid day for sure.
  10. I pretty much grew up in a boat and have had one or many from high school till now. They are nice to have and once you have one you are always adding little things to upgrade them, not to mention the annual maintenance that comes along with them. My last boat was a 91 Champion and it was a great boat until the motor spun a crank bearing that cost $6,000 to fix. That was my chance to upgrade after owning that boat for 12 years. I pretty much do all the work except rebuilding one and they are still expensive. Would I not own a boat? No, they are just part of my life that I am willing to sacrifice other things in order to have one. The really bad part is when you have multiple boats for fishing, family activities, and then one for hunting. Not complaining as I am fortunate to have a family and job that allows me to own and afford these toys but man they take a lot of maintenance to keep running. My dad always said it is cheaper to find a buddy with a boat and buy him fuel and whatever else to be able to fish with him as that is the cheapest and least amount of headaches you will have. This coming from a guy who has always owned boats.
  11. I used these guys to fix up a pleasure boat and was pleased with the work and how I was treated.
  12. We'll my anniversary is coming up on the 5th....
  13. Throwing jerk baits, jigs and arig. We must have just hit it right. I haven't seen anything that big at WM since catching one just over 8 nearly 12 years ago. I haven't been serious about bass fishing for quite a while as I have been chasing crappie when out fishing and mixing in the other impossible hobby of golf.
  14. Yeah that is not normal on that lake. Most of the big girls came from a spot where the public fishes the bank and the 4 biggest came in the short time frame. I can only imagine what someone would have thought if they were sitting there when we pulled up. There was another guys that had just went through there too and I am pretty sure he didn't catch anything.
  15. Thanks! Watkins Mill today but usually hit the lakes up by Cameron if we are not at a big lake like LOZ.
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