I'll be fishing a high school tournament here in mid March so I've been studying up on the lake . So far I have read through the forum and studied online maps to try and get a feel of lake and the prespawn and spawn patterns. I'm from Kansas so I haven't had a ton of experience with this style of grass lake, but I feel like I have the knowledge to be able to at least catch fish. I guess I'll start my questions with what I should do as far as consistent locations (I don't expect specific more than a general area but anything would be great) due to the fact that I'll probably only be able to practice one or two days? From all the information I've gathered I plan to get in an area and stay there and figure the fish out. Is that a good plan, or should I try and find several areas throughout the lake? I've only fished large lakes on this scale a few times. Another more simple question I have is about spinnerbaits. Spinnerbaits seem to be pretty popular on Toledo, but what blade and color combinations produce in mid March?