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  1. call the guys over at the fly stop in san diego and they can straighten you out, particularly john. They do a lot of kinds of san diego fishing out of there shop but the guys there love to bass fish. They are always posting fish on their twitter so I am sure they can give you dets on that particular lake.
  2. I think the flys are going to be the sae, mainly dont know which fights bass better
  3. I read this rod review and am going to buy a new scott tidal but don't know weather to get an 7 weight or and 8 weight? Anyone have any thoughts? Really new to fishing for bass with a fly rod having mostly just been a trout guy for the past 15 years. Thanks!
  4. lol I got the same issue at the fly stop. I bought a bunch because the where on sale but how many fly fishing gift cards can one guy use haha. The answer is a lot until he filled his fly box up.....then no idea.
  5. You should call over to the fly shop there in town. I am a lure and gear guy myself but I fish with Matt Austin when he comes over to missouri and he is a beast with the fancy gear. If there is one place that is always in the know for the conditions I think its that crew out there. There is also another good geat shop in Point Loma but I cant recall the name.
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