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About dbcooper

  • Birthday 01/10/1977

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  • Gender
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  • My PB
    Between 8-9 lbs
  • Favorite Bass
  • Favorite Lake or River

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  • About Me
    love bass fishing

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Minnow (2/9)



  1. Has anyone been on lake Talquin lately? I have a bass tournament coming up in two weeks and haven't been there in a year. Any info would be a great help.
  2. How was the fishing? When we went 2 weeks ago the bass fishing was tough. It was still cold and muddy. Only 10 of 24 boats weighed a fish and only 3 or 4 boats had a limit.
  3. Thanks We will be fishing it next week. I will let you know how it goes.
  4. How has the bass fishing been on Lake Talquin the last few weeks? How high is it with all the extra water the last few months?
  5. I haven't been to lake Iamonia since it was so high last year. How has the bass fishing been lately and did the lake change much?
  6. Heading to Lake George this weekend for a club tournament. We will be on the South end. Just wandering how the fishing has been, and if anyone had any tips. Thanks
  7. my motor still works but the pump does nothing. as far as i can tell powerpole dosent sell the two seperate, just the complete system. Any ideas?
  8. thanks Mike. Thats what i wanted to hear.
  9. Heading down to lake George this weekend. Wondering if the bass have started bedding at all down there? I sure hope so, I love bed fishing. I will be putting in down in Astor, any info will be much appreciated.
  10. last week was about what i expected. still plenty of fish in Iamonia but very small. 7.22 won the tournement and 2.01 was big fish everybody caught fish but only 3 boats were able to get a limit.
  11. Thanks I will be fishing it this next week, i will give a report on how i do.
  12. I havent fished the lake since it was very low the last few years. how is it looking and fishing?
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