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Everything posted by jbrew73

  1. I would only buy aluminum frame Lew’s reels.
  2. My wedge is what came with my boat. Simple ,easy and appears to do its job. It was recommended by the boat manufacturer.
  3. Training you wrist is equally important as your thumb. Arm action or even lack of is very important in preventing backlash.
  4. I don’t have any suggestions for a backpack but by all means keep any legal fish if you plan to eat them. If you catch a trophy size bass consider putting it back but that’s up to you. Enjoy your catch!
  5. I’ve had good results removing Lew’s ar bearings by pressing them back in with my thumb and then they will fall right back out. For some reason they back out just a tiny bit during normal use and get stuck in the frame. This method has always worked great and I never needed to tap them with a hammer or anything.
  6. Use it for another technique that is suitable for larger dia line or cut your losses and move on. Edit I just read the original post again. I’d cut my losses.
  7. Marine stabil goes in every can of gas I buy for small engines. The boat gets ethanol free and treatment every fill up. I worked at a small engine shop back when all gas was ethanol free. Fuel treatment is definitely needed for winter or extended storage.
  8. To my knowledge I’ve never thrown a Ned Rig. The closest I come is a beetle spin or ball head jig with a curly tail grub. Hell from what I read many people fish the Ned like a shaky head which means they aren’t even fishing a Ned rig. Smh
  9. This works really well for me too.
  10. I’d take the original tournament pro over any newer Lew’s reel. They are much better quality and fit my hand better.
  11. I’ve heard tongue hooked fish taste really good with cornbread.
  12. What? Big game can cure cancer.........surely there can’t be any issues with the line. Must be operator error.
  13. Carolina Rig. I think the gliding and darting action of a fluke works great for this.
  14. I’m not sure if it attracts bites but I do feel it will make them hold it long vs spitting it out. Right or wrong i have confidence in it and that’s what matters most. edit just read the above post with opposite results than mine. It really boils down to whether you think it helps or not. Trust your instincts.
  15. I get 90% of my pleasure from casting the lure to the correct spot , working the lure, getting the bite and setting the hook. The other 10% is reeling it in. I don’t get ocean fishing when someone does all the work and you just fight the fish.
  16. No no no......it’s the jika rig that’s metric. Or was it the Tokyo rig? Definitely not the Carolina, Texas or Alabama rig.
  17. I tried big game on several reels and just couldn’t bring myself to drink the koolaid. Don’t get me wrong it is really solid line for the money but I’ll spend a few cents more and go back to Stren. I just like the smoothness and manageability vs big game. If I want a “better” nylon mono I use sunline defied armilo.
  18. If you leave the knot in the middle of the spool you will feel it and it may even catch on the line coming off the spool. When the knot is positioned to the side of the spool it doesn’t seem to cause issues to me. many people have offered advice. Give some of the recommendations a try and let us know how it works for you and report back. Hell try 66 yards of cheap mono instead of flouro and see if it works. This ain’t rocket science.
  19. $7 times 20 reels is a lot of money. I do about 65 yards of line and have never ran into an issue even after break offs. If you have broken off that much the line is usually compromised at that point and should be changed anyway. Frogs and rattle traps can push it to the limit but it has not caused any problems for me. as far as the connection knot it can be an issue at 65 but I put if off to the side of the spool and it doesn’t cause and issue. Im not overly tight to the point of glueing soft plastic lures back together but I do like getting 3 uses out of the 200 yard spools of sunline. Don’t get me started or the 150yard spools they offer !
  20. Siebert Dock Rocker does it for me. https://siebertoutdoors.com/products?olsPage=products%2Fdredge-g2-jig-drd-g2-jig1
  21. Lines too big or get a casting outfit.
  22. Small poppers, shaky heads and small grubs on light jig heads excel on this rod. I use my 702 dx mainly for shakey head and rarely miss or lose fish.
  23. I would pay over $5 for a lipless or fish one from shore unless it was open water. A lipped Crankbait would be better.
  24. Why don’t you wrap one of your existing rods with grip,tape and give it a try to see if you like it before buying. I find it very uncomfortable and don’t buy into the line feel school of thought. I think it’s more to do with balance point than anything else. just my $0.02
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