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Everything posted by Turtle135

  1. If I am throwing a small spinnerbait like the Stanley 1/8th ounce then yes, I will usually have at least 24" of visibility. I do use single willow bladed spinnerbaits in a variety of sizes with a lot of success. Typically with a larger spinnerbait there will be a big paddletail soft plastic on the hook (the 22" bass in my profile pic was caught on that presentation).
  2. Stanley's are stable. I always order the 1/8th single bladed cause I do not feel I need two blades on a spinnerbait that size.
  3. Stanley offers the Wedge Plus in 1/8th and 1/4th ounce. These are smaller profile spinnerbaits with their traditional strong wire frame. I keep a few of the 1/8th ounce for when the largemouth are chasing smaller baitfish (or when the bite is difficult). It feels like the 1/8th casts more like a quarter ounce spinnerbait to me (bigger than Booyah Pond Magic but a little smaller than the War Eagle Finesse). I have always had to order these from direct from Stanley as the usual stores do not carry the little ones. http://fishstanley.com/product/stanley-wedge-plus/
  4. Not sure where you can get Perfect Solution but I picked up 16 ounce bottle of Ardent Reel Kleen Cleaner for $ 14.99 delivered (Amazon Prime). The Ardent stuff works well for me for cleaning bearings. https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B0030MTP8I/ref=ox_sc_act_title_1?smid=ATVPDKIKX0DER&psc=1
  5. Just one thing to add, you did not mention what time of year but if you meant "during the summer" does that lake stratify (develop a thermocline)? If so, then you can pretty much eliminate that area below the thermocline from your search (not enough dissolved oxygen down there). Cooler water periods are different. On my local lakes in the winter, when the "warmest water" in the lake is 39 degrees, then the bass will be on the bottom (39 degree water being the most dense it will be down in the deep). The bass will be down there "loosely relating" to any cover or structural changes they can find down there. One log laying on the bottom can attract a bunch of bass.
  6. Very intertesting little note in that document! Intergrades, aka: hybrids again! Ironically, the bass shipped to California in 1959 and stocked into San Diego County reservoirs came from Florida’s Blackwater (Holt) State Fish Hatchery (Pensacola, Florida), a hatchery that we realize with hindsight used only intergrade bass as broodfish during that time period.
  7. so you believe that Perry's fish was a pure Northern Strain Largemouth (or that Perry's fish was a fabrication)?
  8. with an intergrade zone existing in North Florida and Georgia
  9. back to the concept of "Hybrid Vigor"... "Florida Largemouth Bass distribution was supposedly restricted to systems south of the Suwannee River in the Florida peninsula, with an intergrade zone existing in North Florida and Georgia. Due to their trophy value, Florida Bass and their hybrids with Largemouth Bass have been introduced throughout the Southern United States extending through most States from Florida to California. Also introduced to every continent except Antarctica! Relatively long lived, ranging from 10-16 years old. Growth rates do vary with trophic state and habitat (vegetation). Florida’s state record is 17.25lbs but a 20+lb fish has been documented and a 22.25lb individual was caught in Japan in 2009."
  10. IMHO we call them "Florida Strain" but those genetics know no state boundaries. If my intel is correct the panhandle of Florida is where the true monsters thrive. Further south in FL the waters are too hot. The bass grow at a rapid rate but die young. Northern Florida, Southern Alabama and Southern Georgia are the original land of the giants.
  11. I believe there are Florida Strain largemouth in Georgia. There was well documented 17.60 pound largemouth caught in 2015 and back in 1987 there was an 18 pound 1 ounce bass. Below is the Georgia Top 10 that I can find on the internet. Considering the sizes I would expect these bass have Florida Strain genes.
  12. Keitech recommends a 10/0 for the 7.8" and a 6/0 for the 6.8" but it is not an exact science. I would bet those 8/0 would work on both baits. I like the Owner Weighted Beast and the Lazer Trokar Magnum Weighted. You just need to make sure you have a wide enough gap for these extra fat swimbaits. https://www.keitechusa.com/keitech-swimbaits/keitech-swing-impact-fat/keitech-fat-swing-impact-7.8/keitech-fat-swing-impact-7.8-silver-flash-minnow-clone.html
  13. Also for starters, take a look at the Keitech Fat Swing Impact Swimbaits in the 6.8" (1.4 ounces) and the 7.8" (2 ounces). Creeping those along the bottom on a weighted swimbait hook will give you the same type of presentation as some of the larger and heavier paddle tailed soft body swimbaits.
  14. Netbait Baby Paca Craw and a "Red Swamp Craw" from the Tidal Potomac River.
  15. nope, just largemouth and a smallmouth (not sure if there are any spots in that water)
  16. If your ponds are frozen over they may not give up their ice quite so quick. I am in Maryland and have been running down south to find open water. Down there I am seeing water temps in the high 30's. The only presentation that is getting me bites has been a Ned Rig on 4 pound test line (using the Z-Man TRD). Hope you find open water, good luck!
  17. The seat in the Slayer must be tall. Years ago I had an Ascend High Back PFD that bumped the seat like that. I know what you are talking about, that would absolutely kill my middle back after several hours on the water.
  18. just curious, what kayak do you have and (no offense) are you height challenged?
  19. A couple of people have mentioned but wanted to stress that you get a "high backed" pfd (if you are not going the inflatable route). The high back prevents the back of your pfd from constantly bumping your seat (which gets annoying and uncomfortable real quick). I would recommend you go fishing for a couple of trips without adding anything. Travel light with one rod you can lay down in front of you and few lures. Get used to how the kayak paddles, turns and overall stability. Carefully reach behind you to see if you could put an item in the rear tank well without destabilizing the kayak Congrats and good luck!
  20. I have a "desert camo" kayak because I like the way it looks but that red color on your kayak will not spook fish. I've been fishing from a kayak since 1991 and bright colors on kayaks catch bass at the same rate as camo kayaks. The added bonus for a brightly colored kayak is that you are more visible to power boats. If you really want to paint a kayak you will need to do some sanding to prep the surface to hold the paint. Lots of videos on Youtube, just search "painting a kayak".
  21. Are you getting 3 and 4 pound bass in the mix?
  22. I would suspect it might just be a reflection of certain year classes being stronger than others. Also, since the numbers of fish caught per trip was so high I would wonder if you are now getting competition on the water from other anglers.
  23. Thanks Sam and Darren. I have been on pool one at Lake Anna in February before a few years back. I don't remember seeing any surface vegetation (did they put grass carp in Anna?). I think he is going to have to go way south if he wants to test it anytime soon.
  24. appreciate the reply, that is what I am gathering from talking to people, he may have to run down to Florida in February to find what he needs
  25. I have a friend who needs to test a prototype weed chopping prop for an electric motor. Anyone in Virginia know of a body of water that is still holding enough aquatic vegetation for a test? Up here in Maryland our weeds (hydrilla and milfoil) have all died back.
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