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Everything posted by Kidflex

  1. No trolling motors allowed. They don't want any foreign grass. They have some kayaks, canoes and johnboats. The state cut funding couple years ago and took the trolling motors off and cut power to the marina. Not vertical jigging but dragging football jigs in 30-40 ft is fun. I thought about getting a cheap down scan and making a portable unit to find the sweet spots. I have a decent idea and pretty consistent with catching em deep. 255 acres is the size of the lake with a 50ft max depth
  2. I ordered some crankbaits years ago on eBay from China and a few of the lips pulled out of the body with very little effort. The hooks were brittle also. Never used them as they were trashed quickly. Wasn't going to chance losing a fish over crap lures.
  3. I haven't used the colors you mentioned but green pumpkin candy and watermelon slice has been the best producers for me last year. I'm pretty sure any color fluke will work.
  4. My favorite rod is a weibe reel seat imx mbr 844. Rod is about 20 years old. Goes on every trip. I do have the new model plus many other high end rods. Some rods just have a certain mojo to it, and can't be replaced. That said I also have a couple light and tough DAIWA rods that gets more use than my steez. If you like it keep it, use it and enjoy
  5. They'll be bunched up on sandbars. Usually aggressive to most small lures. Most of the time u can pull 20-50 from one spot. I do a yearly white bass trip with riverridge guide service in February and we normally limit out in a few hours. Fishing the river about 5 miles north of logansport
  6. Nice report. You seeing any white bass activity up in the river? The white bass spawn in the river Jan-March and are usually stacked up.
  7. Get what you really want and not settle for something because it was on sale. Before you know it you'll have a whole bunch of mediocre stuff as opposed to a few top notch setups that you'll really enjoy using. A couple cheap reels equals a really nice one. Just my opinion though.
  8. Cabelas has always been better than bass pro shops in my opinion at least the few I've been to in Texas and Louisiana. The cabelas in ft worth,tx is superior to the bps headquarters in Springfield.
  9. Finally got to get out on the water for a few hours. Was hoping the fish were still stacked deep but the stretch of warm weather has them scattered around. Was tough today with only 2 fish for me (5lb and 3-1/2lb). Both were caught in 30ft on seiberts 3/4 football jigs and rage lobster in falcon craw. This lake has a very large population of big bass. No foreign boats only rentals....Fishing out of a John boat with paddles only is a pain in the rear but an anchor helps. My triton is getting jealous of the time I'm spending on a tin boat, lol.
  10. They don't question it. U fill out the paperwork. Send rod in. Wait. Get new rod. It's really that simple. The imx mbr I sent was very old, had a weibe reel seat. I wrote on the form, I don't know what happend to the guides. Just noticed some were cracked. No problems.
  11. Don't bother with the expiditor program. Just send them in for warranty replacement. I've never had an issue or been questioned. I sent a glx cbr missing 4 ft of the rod, and imx 844 mbr with a cracked guide ring. And multiple Shimano rods and they've been replaced no questions asked. Never had receipts either. They still have the best service imo.
  12. Do yourself a favor and get some missile baits d-bomb. Super bug color is my favorite. They hold up well too.
  13. @fishinfiendthe alligator gar was 205lb. Can see the video on YouTube, just type in kidflex vs alligator gar @A-Jay thanks and yeah Jan last year was good and was my personal best until February came along!
  14. First trip of the year started off slow. Took 2 1/2 hours before getting the first bite but was steady once we got on em. Finished the day with 10 total. Most fish were 3-4lbs, one being 4 1/2 and the big fish of the day was 6 1/2 on the boga grip. All fish were caught on 3/4 oz seiberts football jigs and rage lobster combos. 20-40ft depth.
  15. No. I bought a few new ones when they were current models for $95 a piece. Current models are way better, I'd go that route.
  16. I have a 2015 179trx with 115xs and it gets on plane pretty fast. Has decent speed. I run 50mph with no issues. The 179trx is max rated for 115hp. The year model before (xs series) had 150's. Idk why triton changed it. I thought it would be underpowered but am satisfied with it.
  17. Bobber stops are a must. use slim profile baits with appendages that won't tangle in the vegetation. Be ready for a bite as it can happen very shortly after it enters the water. Sometimes u have to lob the bait higher to get it to penetrate the mat. Experiment and have fun.
  18. 1/2 seibert jig- bamabug color. Yum craw for trailer She was 8lbs 12oz
  19. Go for it. Good looking rod and good price
  20. Can use any gear ratio reel you want. Won't make a difference since your just recovering line while working the bait. The difference is only a few inches in reality. Lc pointer 100/mcsticks (1/2oz) I use on a bait casting gear and lighter sp 78's, duo 63's etc (1/4-3/8oz) I like using spinning.
  21. There's been plenty of times I'm fishing with people with considerably less expensive gear than me and they end up catching more than me and I ask myself why do I spend so much money on this stuff?!....I don't think high end gear will make you a better angler but it is a joy to use and at the end of the day you have to be satisfied with what you have.
  22. Pitching jigs or dbombs into buckbrush! Something about close quarters combat that gets me going
  23. A standard will work fine. I use standard "rod glove" for micro guided rods with no problems.
  24. 54. That number is too many. I made the mistake of falling in love with different series of rods and wanted them all. I'll carry up to 20 rods in the boat. One thing that's nice is that I have a very nice selection of rods/reels to fish with depending on my mood. If I want to fish zillions, cumaras, loomis, exprides etc I have them at my disposal. I will eventually downsize to 15 super high end combos and be done.
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