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Everything posted by Kidflex

  1. Well i went out again this morning hoping to get on a good topwater bite. Got out to the same spot around 5. The wind was blowing harder than expected. Looked to be clear skies but once first light came, so did the clouds and fog. Couldn't find any shad or signs of life. Fished til 8:30 and called it quits. Only got 2 fish this morning and had to work for those. With so many shad around the evening before I was certain it would be on fire today. I guess conditions and the bite changes daily. I should've stayed at the house but ya never know when ya gonna get bit!
  2. Went out today(technically yesterday) around 3 and fished housen for a few hours. Schools of shad everywhere. Ended up catching only 8 on spinnerbait and jigs. Surrounded by schools of baitfish the entire time and was still a tough bite. Tried cranks, flukes and traps with no sucess. Finished the evening off with this beauty on a jig in 3ft of water right before dark.
  3. make sure the rods you get are tough. Kayak fishing can be tough on tackle especially rods. I'm not saying get ugly sticks but I wouldn't bring my loomis rods on my yak. I usually end up taking my yak in some sketchy areas with a lot of brush, cattails and overhangs and sometimes the rods get banged up.
  4. Bass pro will ruin cabelas.
  5. I agree with not skimping out on a good life jacket. Try a nrs- chinook. Has a high back floatation so it doesn't get in the way of the seat. Very comfortable in a kayak. It's worth the money trust me
  6. Couple of things I'd be concerned about. One is the large guides on a spinning rod facing up and second is the spine/spline of the rod are on different sides. Might break with added pressure or won't have the proper performance. Plus it'll just look ridiculous. Just find a rod with a comfortable reel seat. I went through a couple rod and reel combos to find a setup that was comfortable for jerkbaits.
  7. If you plug your scuppers, the kayak might ride a little higher and may be top heavy. I had a friend do that and took a dump in some cold water. I only use a sit in kayak during the winter.
  8. I like mine. Ended up getting a second one recently. I do like my exo's more though. They just cast better IMO
  9. Matzuo makes garbage. Period.
  10. With freshwater hooks found on most cranks and topwaters, the barb is small and really won't make too bad of a wound coming back out if done quickly. You'll have more damage with the blade. I have had to make cuts with larger saltwater hooks.
  11. I've pulled my share of hooks out of people in the emergency room. The braid works well but I've found using a pair of pliers or heavy hemostats work better. Same concept though, grab at the bend and pull hard and fast with eye of hook at downward angle. The good thing with freshwater hooks is that the barbs are usually small and will not cause too much trauma going out. Saltwater hooks sometime need to be pushed through if possible and cut. Most cases there is only minimal damage caused by hooks.
  12. Hardly any grass anywhere. Heard it was from trying to kill the giant salivina. The grass beds that were there in the spring even with the high water are now gone. There's still some areas of shoreline grass and sparse hydrilla. The grass at the mouth of pirates looks terrible and sickly.
  13. I was told the mirrored lenses were only offered in glass. Not sure when they stopped making them in polycarbonate. I was just informed of this when I bought a pair of blue mirrored 580 costas this past Sunday at cabelas.
  14. I dropped a t3 on my counter while the top was open and it broke. I sent it in with the standard $15 repair fee and they fixed it fairly quick and they even touched up the silver paint on the reel. Daiwa has excellent customer service regardless of what you might hear. They also keep parts around for a long time.
  15. I haven't experienced any stiff feeling trigger x products. I've always had good results with trigger x swimming worms. Matter of fact they're the only ribbon tail worms I use. I also love the big moe for night fishing. Guess I need to stock up while supplies last.
  16. Late report from Monday. That cool weather was nice while it lasted. Had a decent topwater bite. Stayed on the south side near the state park. 15 fish before the sun came out completely. Here's the biggest fish of the morning. Not the 30 fish days I've been reading about on the joslin reports but all on topwater was a blast. Went back out Tuesday morning but only got 10 on topwater with the biggest being 3lbs.
  17. The shims are used to fix line lay problems. If the line is bunching up at the top of the spool then add a shim under the spool. If the line bunches up atte bottom then add one above it.
  18. The Deliverance jig
  19. Where the grass!!
  20. Jig supreme Who dat jig The tater Pawg jig
  21. With the number of different applications you are wanting to do with a rod, you'd be better off getting an imx mbr 843 vs the jwr. The fast taper is more versatile for t-rigs, pitching light jigs, senkos and such. Jmo though. I have numerous gloomis rods and the mbr series are hard to beat. Also look around, you can readily get the imx rods for $200-220 new. Used older models can be had for $150ish.
  22. Dicks sporting goods has the skeet reese rods on sale for 2 for $60 right now until midnight. There's a few spinning models available
  23. Try the midway usa competition range bag. Not designed for fishing but is more practical than any of my fishing bags. Holds 4 3700 and can put a 3600 in each of side pockets or can hold 9 3600 vertically. The pockets has places to put pliers, scents, etc. Plus it's better quality than most fishing bags. http://www.midwayusa.com/product/939167522/midwayusa-compact-competition-range-bag
  24. I use a mustad mega bite offset hook. 3/0 & 4/0
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