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Everything posted by wytstang

  1. Rapala DT6/Fat 03 Storm Arashi rattle square bill Chatterbait
  2. I'll never know what it was but I'll never forget the fight and the defeat , I was so looking forward to eating it if it was good to eat.
  3. Bad day of fishing > good day at work
  4. Fisherman--Man where did you catch those fish? Me *with a smirk on my face*--In the water.
  5. Fishing in the Everglades a couple of years ago in a honey holes my brother knows of were he catches 7+lb black drums all day long and 3+lb trout. I had what we beleive to be a very large black drum (10+) that fought my tooth and nail until he wrapped me up in the jagged rocks we had avoided all day. Man he pulled like a run away train. Finally my line stopped moving and low and behold I was wrapped up in the rocks and he/she was long gone .
  6. I was having the same issue and finally found a set up that worked, a swim jig paired with a MegaStrike fat shad swam slowly. Even then the bites a few and far between. I literally ran a crank bait into a what looked to be a nice 3lb bass and it just moved slightly forward to get out of the way. Seconds later a very large school of fry showed up and I couldn't get him to bite, he knew what I was up to so I gave up and went home .
  7. I don't do it and it's not my business to tell others not to.
  8. From the movie Unforgiven Gene Hackman- "You sir are a cowardly sum b%tch, you just shot an unarmed man!" Clint Eastwood- "Well he should have armed himself" Bumper sticker on my last Ranger (in my avatar) "The more people I meet, the more I like my dog"
  9. All 3 are mine (the green Ranger is totaled and sitting in the junk yard now) but yeah I'm a Ford man.
  10. Trailer: Gambler Flappy Daddy, ZMan Turbo craw Chatterbait: D&M Original Piranhas or ZMan Custom chatterbait I prefer chatterbaits were the blade connects directly to the head vs. those that use a split ring.
  11. Any chance you can have your truck (if you have one) close enought to the edge to make cast? I have a few spot I can get my truck close enough I can lower the tail gate and fish off of that. Naturally would put my lamp at the edge of the bank (safe distance not were I'm going to fall in if I don't stop on a dime) before reversing. That way you have no worrys while you work an area. To be clear areas were the water and land are the same level not a massive drop, I wouldn't recommend any one that lol that would suck in a major way
  12. Also if you are bank fishing I would bring a pistol if you can carry one. I wouldn't be without one because I want a fighting chance against any large animal that feels your its next meal. I have a battery powered lamp that I can leave on the hood of my truck to give me some visability around me, I would suggest the same for any one doing bank fishing.
  13. This is on my to-do list this year, I would love to see how a slow rolled chatterbait does during a full moon. I'm definatly getting a jitter bug as well because everything Ive read about them during the night I want to experience.
  14. Rage Toad had been my go to I just hate when a small bass tries to eat it and can only eat a leg. Kills the bait and these toads aren't cheap, but when a 3+lber explodes on one man what a freakin rush.
  15. Troll or not as long as you stay with in the law not one person can say anything.
  16. That looks promising, thank you for that.
  17. I had the same problem with the Revenge brand so I gave it away, it was quit frustrating.
  18. The blade to head design gives a ticking sound it makes due to the contact the blade makes with the head. You don't get that with a split ring design. The (at times) muddy waters I fish I want all the noise and vibration I can get.
  19. I do not like vibrating jigs that use a split ring and will only use one that the blade attaches directly to the head. Zmans Custom baits (TW sells them) is a great product that I can recommend since it comes with quality components. If you can find the original D&M's I would buy them up as well.
  20. Rapalas DT Fat cranked slow has a nice wide rolling wobble that has triggered 4-6 lbs to strike.
  21. Two I use is MegaStrikes original and BioEdge semi-solid wand in shad & craw fish scent as both stay on for many many cast.
  22. Mix up some Apple pie and everything clears right up. Actually since we are on this subject, I have been told a great way to fight this seasonal change is by eating raw honey from local bees. Has any one tried this?
  23. I used them on my swim jigs all the time.
  24. Helsinki Shad is what color I reach for 90% of the time in clear water. I have used the Bleeding Olive Shiner but only in the DT Fat 03 which has been discontinued and that lure worked when nothing else did (color/size).
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