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Everything posted by wytstang

  1. In the south the fishing never ends, in the north (for me at least) fishing is done when it's in the low 50's.
  2. These came in yesterday and I am very happy with the quality Other side Other side Other side
  3. I am so sorry to hear this, I hope it works out for you.
  4. The turtles take off as soon as they see me but the baby gators swim towards me to see what I got. I have a lil fun with them every now and again, it's the only way I keep my patients with them. Besides I'm just a guest in their home. Here's a short vid I made for my mom to show how close they like to get before they hit the brakes. http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v280/wytstang/Mobile%20Uploads/2015-06/th_20150605_085405_zpspggbvdew.mp4
  5. I've been struggling off the banks since just after winter basically. I'll have an o.k day here and there but this year seems to be off in the ponds I fish. On top of that baby gators have shown up and they love to chase lures and pretty much ruin my cast/retrieve. Yesterday skunked and today I fished for about 6 hours with just 2 fish ( one 1/2lb and one 3.90lb bass) for my effort. I thought with the early summer we are having the banks would be loaded with lunkers feeding but nope I can't find them.
  6. I was at Wally World this morning and was thinking about storage and organization so I walked over to the plastic drawer bins instead of more plano boxes. I'm really liking this way of storing plastics still in there bags, later on I'm going to really organize it.
  7. I use a Denali J2 7' MM 1/8-1/2oz spinning rod for my crank baits (3/8-1/2oz is what I throw) and it works great. I've pulled between 1-7lb bass with this rod with no problems and it's pretty light.
  8. 2 Siebert Swim Jig Weight Size:3/8 Eye Option:Yes +$0.50 Collar:Wire Tie +$0.30 Head Color:Green Pumpkin Skirt Color:Bluegill 2 Siebert Swim Jig Weight Size:3/8 Eye Option:Yes +$0.50 Collar:Wire Tie +$0.30 Head Color:Green Pumpkin Skirt Color:Bream 2 Siebert Swim Jig Weight Size:3/8 Eye Option:Yes +$0.50 Collar:Wire Tie +$0.30 Head Color:White Skirt Color:Bloody Shad From TW Molix Hyper Snap 1.5 Spro Split Snap 2 25lb Luhr Jensen Duo-Lock Snap 40lb Netbait BK Swimbait 5" Black Shad Netbait BK Swimbait 4" Hitch Gambler Big EZ Florida Five-O Gambler Big EZ Ghost Shad Gama Superline Spring Lock 1/4oz 5/0 FREE Tackle Warehouse Sticker Orders Over $50 Keitech Swing Impact FAT Bluegill Flash 4.8" Keitech Swing Impact FAT Pro Staff Special 4.8" The grass is growing thick and swim jigs with paddle tail swim baits work the best in my ponds during this time of year. Everyone praises Siebert jigs so I figure I'll see what all the fuss is about.
  9. Very nice bass man congrats on the new PB.
  10. It should start turning very very soon, cause man it has been really hard for me to catch more then 1 bass in 5hrs and that 1 I was catching on it's best day was 1/2 lb. But today finally turned around for me (Two 2 or 3lbers and a nice 5.26lber made it to me today) so I think the fat girls are getting ready to start feeding aggressively. The only thing that worked was a swim jig with a MegaStrike 4' fat shad (very durable swimbait and great action fyi) swam slow. So yeah right now a swimbait with a paddle tail is my confident bait (especially with all the grass in the pond I fish)
  11. Sounds like a vibrating jig dream come true. Can you image what a jigger bug could do in the early morning in that type of water? Man the explosions would be epic.
  12. I fish a private stocked pond with many 5+ pound bass, the bass were stocked roughly 15 years ago and every so often bream, crappy, perch , ect get restocked by the hunting club. These bass act just as stuburn as public access bass do, I went 3 weeks straight with no bites no matter what I threw at them. Stocked or not you have no guarantee you will catch anything on any given day. Also I have zero guilt from closing the gate behind me and leaving the rest of the world out, in fact I absolutly love it.
  13. I could careless about any smell on my hand but I do keep a bottle of Peroxide to clean my hands to eat what ever meal I brought with me. Although I may start bring rubbing alcohol instead as it dries instantly.
  14. My home state of Fl has it all and then some, SC is no push over either but the fishing offered in Fl is really a cut above all other states. LMB & Peacocks in the same waters, gin clear salt water fishing/snorkling in the keys, all the water activitis that go with it as well.
  15. Only time I would consider retiring a lure is when it chatches me a (personal) record fish and the lure will get mounted with the fish.
  16. That is a darn good catch.
  17. Today for me and now a believer in the all mighty jitter bug; first time using it. What they say is true the bite are explosive. And a little later
  18. I caught a small crappie last weekend with a DT6
  19. Old is when you turn to a radio station and hear your all time favorite song, then it ends and the DJ srceams "thanks for listeining to everybodies favorite Classic rock station" . When did Guns & Roses-Paradise City become a classic? I was heart broken that day.
  20. Helsinki from Rapala
  21. When the moon hits the sky like a big piece of pie....Sorry I couldn't help it.
  22. I have yet to use a leader when fishing with braid, don't feel the need to and the fish don't seem to mind either.
  23. A recent thread(s) came up about "best poppers & Top water baits" made me realize I don't have any in my arsenal except some buzz baits/frogs. I also needed another reel for my shimano rod so I picked up a President Arbogast Jitterbug Black 600 Rebel Magnum Pop-R Foxy Momma Rebel Pop-R Silver black Heddon Zara Spook Natural Perch Mustad Feathered Treble Hook Red Hook 4 2pk Lucky Craft Split Rings #2 PowerPro Spectra 150yd Moss Green 20lb Pflueger President Spinning Reel 6935X
  24. I bank fish all the time and use mostly crankbaits (DT6 and or FAT03's mostly [using Arashi's more and more though]) with chatterbaits being my back up when the grass is grown to much (like it is right now).
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