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Everything posted by wytstang

  1. The year started off great (Feb) with a 7.25lber leading the charge before falling dead on it's face sort of speak for me. It's been a struggle ever since.
  2. I have zero issue with any one taking any legal fish home to eat no matter the size. But when it's illegal they need to be held accountable.
  3. Are you military? My buddy who was stationed here (moved to San Diego Navy base) said they had some good fishing on the Navy base.
  4. If you have a boat Bushy Park near the Naval wapon station has some good fishing and peir but it can get crowded. Also there is Herbert H. Jessen Public Boat Landing, take Ladson Rd and cross over Dorchester rd passed the (former) bowling ally till the road ends. There is a really nice walking peir through the woods people fish from (you'll see the walking paths on the left side of the boat landing). Edit:On the right side of Bushy park is salt water and on the left side is fresh water. DNR does show up randomly so you better have your license (You should have it any way it's just not worth getting busted).
  5. My goal is to always break my PB so for me 8lb is the next step (baby steps). But I am chasing a double digit bass as my all time personal goal.
  6. I see a lot of bass in my ponds, it's cathing them is the problem
  7. I fish with only 2 rods and both are spinning. 1 7'M rod with a moderate tip (Denali rod $99) for any lure using treble hooks and the other is a 7' MH rod with a fast tip (just bought a Fenwick Elite Tech 4th July sale $127) I'll use for what ever I feel like (except frog). I fish from the bank so having 5+ rods is just not an option. I do just fine with these 2 types of rods off the bank. Edit: Because of the square bill you may want (or may not) look into buying a second rod with a moderate tip for throwing lures with treble hooks.
  8. Nothing goes to waste when mother nature is involved, something will and has eaten that bass. I only feel bad for a lil bit but I know something now has a meal.
  9. You may want to hide your personal info when posting pictures, reopen the file in microsoft paint and paint right over your address and save it. Then repost it with the black outed info. You just never know.
  10. This is replacing the Shimano rod I snapped I love this handle Also picked up a football jigs from Dirty Jigs, Dandy Baits, Phenix Baits
  11. Zoom Trick worm in Black & Zman's Saw Tails in June Bug
  12. I went ahead and ordered a Fenwick Elite in 7'' MH but I'll contact Shimano and see if we can work something out. I'm a sucker for a sale...Also yes the noodle idea is a great idea I'm going to use.
  13. It was just a quick picture showing how the rods lay on the 2x4 nothing more nothing less. Grabed the lure and hooked it on the keeper real quick to take a reference picture and out it came to continue fishing. My rods sit in my living room leaning straight up on a wall. The rod was purchased in Feb of this year so yeah it's pretty new. Seems a lot of folks are missing that point made in my following posts. That tells me if I make another thread about anything it better have full explanations and I better word it right
  14. I'm going to have to drag them out in certain spots
  15. I'm assuming this extends the life of the drag system, correct?
  16. Why thank you sir, the day I stop learning is the day I stop breathing.
  17. If your truck bed is clean, your doing wrong.
  18. The rod is a Shimano Crucial 6'10 Med/Fast spinning rod. I don't remember the fishing trying to shake itself off as I lifted it out of the water but it went nuts after the rod snapped I remember that. Also the bed has one of those fiber glass tops to it so they have to lay on the inside. The pool noodle sounds like a great idea though thank you for that.
  19. Covered it Having to hoist the fishing out of the h20 is the problem so a net (& new rod) will be ordered asap.
  20. I figured it could be something I was doing wrong. Luckily TW has a sale going so it helps in the replacement (which ever brand isn't exempt)
  21. The lure is brought up to the tip not cranked down on it. Also I don't mind criticism at all, it helps me learn from any and all mistakes I could be making and not even know it.
  22. So I need a net and a new rod since it was my fault it looks like.
  23. Some areas on the bank you don't have a choice but to hoist whatever size fish you caught up a bit before you can grab it. Also the bed picture was just a reference picture to show the 2x4. I normally just reel the lure to the tip and lay them down.
  24. So today I was jig fishing and landed a nice 3lber. When I pulled it out of the water roughly 2 to 3 feet in the air my rod snapped in half (between the 6 &7 eye). I was pretty surprised & PO'ed that it happened. It got me thinking if it was something I did transportation wise that caused a weak spot. I take my rods (Denali & Shimano) inside of the cab of my truck on the way to fish, however once there the rods go in the bed of the truck were a 2x4 sits across the bed as a divider. I can't drive fast around the ponds so I know they are not bouncing violently off the 2x4. Could the rods be damaged from the 2x4? Or is this just a bad rod? (It's the Shimano Crucial I purchased in Feb) And this is how my rod sits in the bed of the truck
  25. x100 summer came early this year. Never fished HH before so good luck.
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