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Everything posted by wytstang

  1. 99% of the time I use a craw as a trailer (never a trailer hook) but some times a thinner profile with a more subtle action is what they want. That's when a 5'' single tail grub is a better fit. Steady retrieve (some times slow others fast,, bass tell me which one they want) with the rod tip pointing down to keep the lure running as deep as I want it.
  2. There are times I only catch 1 so don't feel bad at all about 2 or 3. I go to catch a bass so if it's 1 well I met my goal
  3. I choose my lure based on water condition and time of year. In the summer time the grass grows like wild fire and moves around the ponds ( 1 weekend a spot will be clear the next full of grass). So swim baits and chatter baits get used more since all my hard baits are rendered useless due to grass. But I do use a lure with more vibration early in the morning (aka chatter bait) more then any other lure.
  4. I throw the Big EZ on a weighted 1/4 hook and on a 3/8 swim jig. I prefer them on the weight hook since all my swim jigs are 3/8 & 1/2 and the Big EZ is fairly heavy on it's own. It's also more weedless on a weighted hook, at least for me. It does have great action and the Ghost shad looks pretty realistic swimming in the water, at least to me.
  5. Directly from MS, it's the only way I could get all the baits on 1 order.
  6. MegaStrike 5'' grubs (love the action on these) MegaStrike Fat Shads (see above) MegaStrike MegaBug(s) (I really can't wait to use these, I've wanted to try these for a while now) MegaStrike Pro Series Shakey Heads (I have these in 3/8 but wanted some 1/2 for those windy days)
  7. 3+lb is a good fish in the ponds I fish but being a bank fishermen I can't compete with numbers (most of the times). Although an angry 2lber can really put a smile on my face when he/she doesn't want to be pulled out.
  8. Same here I tend to abandon slower techniques too quick, this killer heat is not making it any easier.
  9. They are extremely lucky/blessed to live to take about it. I just took a training class called Arc & Flash for a new position I am moving to at work. The pictures showing what electricity can do to the human body is enough to make you not want to mess with it. Lighting can have a current (also called amps) in the thousands (volts hurt but current/amp kills) which will stop your heart if the current flows through the heart. This young man just won the lotto as the current bypassed is heart (his burns are on his left side where the heart is) and found an exit in another part of his body. It doesn't take much current to cause a heart murmur which causes an erratic heart beat (Atrial fibrillation) which does not allow the proper amount of oxygen to flow (feeling tired, difficulty breathing). A strong enough shock (like a lighting strike) can cause ventricular fibrillation, seen a movie or show where a hospital patient goes into V-Fib? Death closely follows if it can't be corrected asap. This young man and father are walking miracles imo as both survived a strike and they only have minor burns. Very very few people walk away from that amount of current.
  10. Bucket fishermen are there for Brim and Crappie and the like for the most part, they may catch a bass here and there but it's been my experience they focus on smaller species. I will say this though if/when I go salt water fishing it is exclusively to catch and eat my target fish (black drun, red fish, sea trout, ect). As long as they are legal they are coming come to meet the grill/deep fryer.
  11. As the saying goes "Let sleeping dogs lye" I'd ask the owner if he wants any fish to eat for himself/family. Get in real good with him so he knows you are there doing right. See thrash pick up and ask him if you can toss it in his trash can that way he knows your keeping the place clean too. So if he does shut it down you might be able to stay.
  12. Some folks at uber sensitive about eating bass others feels buying your meal makes more sense. But nothing and I mean nothing compares to fresh food, ever. Caught and eaten with in hours taste amazing vs. frozen then defrosted and then eaten food.
  13. This thread inspired me to look into making my own beef jerk. Seeing the price per bag I hate paying the amount asked. A quick google search revealed I have been over paying for jerky for some time. It's super easy to make at home but you do need to set some time aside to make it. Here is a vid showing you how to make it in your oven Plenty of recipes online to fit your pallet. This first batch is a bit bland for me so I know I need to adjust my measurements or try bolder ingredients. Simple healthy snack (since you control the ingredients) so you can fight off hunger and keep fishing. Added bonus I don't need to have a cooler to keep it cool/cold, toss it in a zip lock back and go.
  14. LOL you yanks have it easy, I'll take pike/muskie over gators any day. Today was the perfect morning (heavy fog) for some buzz bait fishing, called 3 small gators to my spot quick fast and in hurry.
  15. I couldn't get into it, I keep going back to hiphop/rock (90's) and very oddly enough I'm starting to slightly listen to country.
  16. DT6 Swim jig w/paddle tail swim bait
  17. Ask not what bait monkey can do for you but what can you do for bait monkey.
  18. 1 Four Loco to ease the pain and a 2nd one to forget the day lol
  19. There is always the option of beefing up a standard cooler (Yetified if you will)
  20. Working nights+100* days=staying in side Netflixing the crap out of it.
  21. To me Yeti's are more geared towards campers who need meat and or meds to stay cold enough not to spoil for an extended amount to time. Nothing worse then running out of ice in the middle of a camping trip miles away from ice. I'll take a Yeti or the like for extended camping trips in the middle of summer to keep temp sensitive food/meds vs. my $20 Coleman any day of the week. Luckily I don't do extended trips so a $20 Colman fits my needs just fine.
  22. Tried that once but the booo's got annoying
  23. I love my crocs and my Asics Gel-Nimbus shoes, but if you are fishing off the banks with lots of grass/brush snake boots to be safe.
  24. Flamingo in the E-glades?
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