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Everything posted by wytstang

  1. As much as I like Cummins engine and turbos I prefer Fords quality over Mopar and Chevy.
  2. Picked up an Outdoor Research Sombriolet Sun Hat, for those looking for good sun hats backcountry.com has some good sales on sun hats.
  3. Picked up a couple of Colorado blade spinner baits (MegaStrike) since I'm switching to more night time fishing and another cavitron buzz bait and single tail grub (again MegaStrike).
  4. I'll be fishing at 3am in the morning and plan on throwing chatterbaits and swim jigs with paddle tail swim baits and craw dads (basically what I throw during the day). Since I will be shore fishing snake proof boots, side arm (gators) , head lamp with up to 750 lumens if needed, and a safety vest. I may try some top water lures but they tend to attract small gators so we'll see.
  5. This is the time of the year when I start fishing at 3am to maybe 11am and call it quits. Water and Gatorade if I'll be fishing into the afternoon time. I will also be bringing a small (12oz or larger) spray bottle of cold water (left in the cooler) to spray myself with on those 100 days.
  6. Not really tackle but (bank) fishing related and inspired by the snake thread Lacross Venom snake proof
  7. I use them with no issue, in fact I use them to snake through lily pads.
  8. TW got my a lil bit just some plastics and fishing line and some hooks nothing major. I did purchase a 12 can Polar Bear cooler, last week I purchased the 24 can version (worked great) but wanted one a little bit smaller for a single day outing.
  9. I only keep fish when a friend ask for some to eat, either then that they go back in the water.
  10. I am very blessed to have access to private ponds with fishing members who care about keeping every one as safe as possible form snakes and other things that go bump in the tall grass. We went from the property looking like this To now this (much more camping friendly) Snake resistance boots are still a good idea, snakes play an importance roll in the natural eco system you fish in. Walk to the next spot and leave it be, we have some nice size rats running around and snakes keep that population from exploding.
  11. Salt water shops yes, fresh water nope. Jacks bait shops in the Fl, Keys (and just before the Keys in Florida City) will tell you what species is biting, what bridge/mile maker they were last reported to be hitting (very up to date reports) and what hooks & baits have been working. I've never had that in a fresh water shop, it's always what lure can I get you to buy today mentality.
  12. I really like Gamblers Big EZ and EZ Swimmer going threw grass.
  13. I have yet to have a quality issue with the Zman Elite series Chatterbaits but the Zman Tackle Warehouse Customs (Top row far left) have had a small quality issue with the skirts since the day I first purchased them (Feb 2015). So I purchased one to see if the quality has improved and the exact same issue still exist 1 year later (easy fix but can't believe the same issue still exist, I've already fixed it).
  14. I'm going to try Sawyer's Permethrin if the ticks get out of hand. It has great reviews on Amazon.
  15. I became a big fan of Zman Elite series after I read of the upgrades to it, so I order some to try out and they work great and the quality is there. I will say their skirts on this model are prone to pull back however they do go back in place extremely easy. I do hope they raise the collar lip up to keep them from moving but the ez skrt moves back in place in seconds. The TW version is great and the wire keeper is strong you just can't use thin trailers with it as the wire tears them up (Gamblers flappy daddy crawdad for example). Zman Elite & TW custom are my go to (available) chatterbaits. Still have my Phenix and D&M originals I keep tucked away.
  16. I been rocking my Maui Jim Peahi in a matte black frame with bronze lens. They fit my fat head perfect, the MJ Canoes are a bit on the small side for my face so I hardly wear them. I did try out a pair of Costa Fisch and they fit good as well.
  17. SO I have read on here that the new owner(s) of North Star baits are doing just a good of job quality wise as the last owner. Placed a small order to check them out and I have to say NS is still producing high quality jigs I love how North Star leaves the hook eye super clean (loving the black & blue)
  18. I bought this different type of tackle that keeps me fishing more on those 3 day weekends REI Kingdom 4 tent with Connect garage extension Cleared an area to maximize my fishing
  19. Very happy with my Dirt jigs swim jigs, his skirts do not move at all.
  20. Zman TW Custom are good with only one issue, the trailer keeper will tear up thin plastics. Zmans Elite are built the same but with a more traditional keeper. Both have the blade attached directly to the head (design I prefer) and both use Gammy hooks & Mustad Fastach Clips for line tie. I was not a fan of Zman chatterbaits until these changes were made, skirts still suck (they fall quick) but now I can wire tie my own skirts so it's a non issue for me.
  21. Jan/Feb were strong and then the year fell flat on it's face for me. However Dec yielded me my best/new PB so it ended well but slow /weak overall.
  22. I was around those parts from 79 (born) -2006, both Homestead & Florida City
  23. Yes it is, I went to Campbell Drive (looks like a prison now) & Homestead Sr High (looked like a prison when I was there lol)
  24. Congrats I was born and raised in Homestead/Florida City and yes they have some nice size bass down there.
  25. MegaStrike fat shad or BizzBaits crawdads are my go to. A single tail grub (MegaStrike again) as a rotating trailer for me.
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