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Everything posted by Thornback

  1. Have someone video tape you when you are drinking, then view the video when you are not drinking. That video will tell you if you can manage a little alcohol or if you need to eliminate alcohol.
  2. I don't like the wind. I like the water to be like glass. Am I in the minority?
  3. Last time I was there, early May, I saw a small amount around the Orange Springs area. It was just beginning to reach the surface. No problem running the boat. I understand a drawdown is planned for 2016.
  4. Good to hear you had a fun time. That's good sportsmanship attitude when you don't win. If I understand your post -- the winners passed the lie detector test, so unless there is proof of cheating, that should be the final word. Case closed.
  5. It's a free country -- what ever that means You want to have a cold beer while fishing that's fine with me. I don't allow alcohol on my boat because I go to fish and enjoy the wilderness. I also want to have as safe a trip as possible. Even the smallest amount of alcohol will dull your senses, slow your reaction time, impair your reasoning, and that somewhat reduces the afore mentioned reasons for me going fishing.
  6. If that message don't convince people to wear a PFD then nothing will. . From the net: In 2011, 32 boating people fell overboard and drowned. Over three-quarters of those drowning victims were not wearing life jackets. According to state data, the most likely to die on the Sunshine State’s world-famous waters are men 35 and older who are not wearing life jackets and have no formal boating safety education.
  7. Some of us are naturally good spellers and some can spell kat. I have to admit I laugh sometimes when I see the way words are misspelled. It's OK, it's the message that's important. I was a printer for many years and being able to spell was a job requirement. I had to take a spelling test to be hired at my last place of employment. That was before computers and spell checkers. Again, I say if you are not a good speller please don't let that keep you from participating in this forum. Heck, you don't need to know how to spell to catch a bass
  8. I once knew a guy who worked the sheriff's dive recovery unit. He said half the fishermen's bodies he recovered had their fly open and were not wearing a PFD. I think everyone understands what that means.
  9. Once I launch my boat I put on my PFD before stepping in the boat and my buddies do the same. It stays on until I step back on dry land. I know that even though I can swim if I fell overboard with all my clothes on I could easily drown. When you are on the water you are in a hostile environment because you can't walk on water and you can't breath under water. It is beautiful early in the morning out on a lake or a river, but it's still a hostile environment. Please everyone wear a PFD. Besides if you wear one then you will never fall overboard soaking everything in your wallet
  10. I sometimes get hung on underwater stumps and lily pad stems. Using #40 braid I can usually pull lose from a pad but not always a stump. I am quick to cut my line and re-rig because I'm there to fish and not play with my tackle. I used to fish with a buddy who was always getting hung up when we were trolling and throwing plastic worms. And I mean he got hung up a lot. We both rigged Texas style and on a given trip I would never get hung up and he would get hung up 3 to 4 times. He was constantly telling me to "back up". I got fed up doing 180's, circling a stump while he kept trying to retrieve a 20 cent worm and a 50 cent hook. I felt we were losing fishing time so I no longer fish with him. Go ahead and call me a jerk
  11. The most common mistake in spelling I see is: your when you're should be used. Example: Your the best at bass fishing. Correction: You're the best at bass fishing. Or: You are the best at bass fishing. Your should be used as: Your bass is larger than mine.
  12. Looks like a hickey from a lamprey. I would rule out a bullet, spear, or arrow because of the ulcer appearance, compared to a clean penetration. Yeah, a lamprey. Maybe someone caught the bass and disposed of the lamprey and later you caught the bass.
  13. If you wear those you won't have to worry about another boat getting too close
  14. Thornback, you have elected to unfollow the item #18 Bass. If you unfollow, you will no longer receive notifcations when this item is updated. . I'm outta here! It was fun for a while.
  15. I have never been fired but a few companies cut off my pay so I quit.
  16. Looks like a degree of doubt on the forum. So now the BassFisherBoy needs to come forth with a lot more details. Or maybe his first line is a giveaway when he said: "I know a guy . . ." That's always a good one liner when someone starts to tell a tall tale --
  17. Nobody fishes there anymore, it's too crowded.
  18. You'll do fine after surgery. Good luck. Because I have arthritic shoulders and hands I switched from repeated casting to fishing with wild shiners. It's more fun, I catch more and larger bass, and I'm not wore out after a fishing trip. Sometimes we have to keep adjusting our activities as the body slowly wears out.
  19. If the bass is #18 then there should be more local news on it. Where was it caught? Did he have the weight certified? Did he call FWC? Just this year I have received $350 from FWC in gift cards for the three bass I caught that weighed over eight pounds.
  20. I bought a Rapala digital scale at Kmart for about $20. Checked it with a 4 pound bag of sugar and it was spot on.
  21. Nice!!! Thanks for the photo.
  22. Here's hoping he makes a full and complete recovery. Be strong for him and remember it will take time, but one day you'll be fishing together.
  23. I like the lettuce -- I can run live shiners under it and pull out some nice bass.
  24. I saw it printed on a sign in front of a classic car at a car show.
  25. Ya toucha my car I breaka ya face.
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