I've drank Coke all my 75 years and I've never had a heart attack, never had cancer, never had a stroke, am not diabetic, and only 10 pounds over weight. I can go fishing by myself and manage the boat unloading and loading quiet well. Certain things go better with Coke, like hamburger and fries. Iced tea goes better with fried fish. OJ goes better with breakfast food. I drink maybe one can of Coke a day. I also love milk, OJ, and Gatorade. I don't like the taste of water unless it is almost freezing cold. But all these drinks have water in them. When I go fishing I take a sandwich and drink a half can of Coke while eating the sandwich. Later while fishing I might drink Gatorade or OJ. Too much milk, too much water, too much Coke, all can have some not so perfect effect on our system, so moderation, moderation, moderation, is the way to go. Dried beans are a great source of protein and fiber, and good for you, but you don't want to OD on beans