I'm having issues with my trolling motor, and I'm not good with electronics. So went to go fish, deployed my motor, hit the pedal and nothing... Went home to check everything and all connections seem to be in good shape. I disconnected the wires coming off the pedal at the splice and checked my voltage coming from the batteries, the wires coming from the batteries have 24.4 volts (24 volt system and motor) so I assumed it was my motor. To check I took the motor off the mount and connected the wires coming off the pedal direct to the batteries and it works fine. So in doing more testing I discovered that when the wires coming off the batteries aren't connected to the pedal, I have 24.4 volts, as soon as I touch those wires to the wires going into the pedal, the Volts at the connection drop to 12.3 even with the switch on the pedal in the off posistion. No idea what's going on. Any ideas?!?!?