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Everything posted by kingmotorboat

  1. Can you possibly send me a number so I can stay in touch for next winter lol
  2. Thanks sir. I live in Louisiana. And have you got to tune any 13 *** before. It would be a ***, tatula type r and revo s
  3. I plan on sending my 3 for cleaning and tuning after the fall I need to get a quote to know the damage lol
  4. I use my 6 10 mh tatula rod for jig and t rig with a tatula type r and love it
  5. For tomorrow at lake bienvenue in Vinton
  6. last year it was sometime in june for louisiana
  7. catt knows his stuff i live in lake charles. Bank wise best bets are lacassine and lake bienvineu(tourist bureau lake) feel free to pm me always up to fish. Not to mention i know a few spots bankwise on the river also
  8. nevermind just need the zoom lizard now
  9. Anyone figure out rage tails yet or the zoom lizard
  10. ive caught bass in open water where nothing appeared interesting. Maybe it was rite place rite time. Maybe there was something there i didnt see
  11. and thanks to ts for starting this
  12. We need to keep this topic going ive always wondered weights so i can properly weight my soft plastic. Seems i went overkill with the speed craw and 3/16 maybe i need to cut it to an 1/8!
  13. Never owned a loomis. Want one so bad
  14. I have 3 baitcasters 13 *** on an *** tatula r on a tatula rod and a revo s on a vengeance
  15. thanks for kinda putting my mind at ease. The co angler etiquette thread scared me
  16. that and the fct of my inexperience i dont wanna be the new guy no one wants as a co angler
  17. I was all for it but now im a little worried of being frowned down upon. Im 29 dont have much experience nor a boat. Yikes
  18. Maybe it was my thumping skills maybe it was user error because it was my first time using fluoro
  19. Oh and it was the memory I thought I was throwing a slinky and backlashed non stop
  20. I tried invisx and couldn't stand it I'm using it on a 13 ***. Just trying to find that perfect line
  21. I can't find copolymer around here only p line cxx
  22. im willing to splurge a little but I don't wanna break the bank. I just wanted a more sensitive mono
  23. I was just wondering. Tried fluoro and can't stand it. And can't seem to find any hybrid around here.
  24. I had the drag fine and the line was new plus I wet the Palomar also. I think just a bad day and I backlashed a couple of times so yes it was operator error also haha
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