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Everything posted by kingmotorboat

  1. I wish I didn't use mobile so I could post pictures. I will say this much the Okeechobee craw dredge brush jig was a killer on Toledo bend this weekend
  2. Congrats man. Some of my best times to me and my dad were fishing trips on the river. I can't wait til I can do it with my kids
  3. They are and there service matches there jigs. I'm so happy I waited to jig fish til I got them
  4. I l love this place. This place is family. Many people here have highly helped me on a ton of things and have never judged me on stupid questions or common sense things I should know. I love you guys lol
  5. That will work I'll just play super black bass on the calcasieu river or Toledo bend
  6. Well this escalated quickly lol
  7. In winter time growing up me and my dad would play super black bass for super Nintendo all day long till temps got warmer. I would kill to find a super Nintendo and that game again
  8. I'm on mobile so I can't post the pictures sorry. This weekend I hit Toledo bend after getting my sieberts order in last week so I decided to put them to work. And oh man do they work. The Okeechobee craw dredge brush jig and sweet crawls dredge brush worked wonders. pulled in two solid 3 pounders in a period of about 3 cast on the Okeechobee. They flat out smashed them. I've never really jig fished til this weekend and now I love it.
  9. Any cajuns out here that's hit the river yet this year? I plan on going soon and I'm looking for a partner. I have access to a non motorized boat and trolling motor at the moment and that's about it. Also wanna talk tactics maybe some areas. Let us discuss!!
  10. Absolutely agree. Never fished a jig much til this weekend on Toledo bend. It was one of the only 2 producers for me and a learning experience. Now I see why people go crazy for it
  11. Oh and 2 white perch on baby brushhog also
  12. Caughts 24 over weekend with 21 being keepers in Indian creek biggest fish 3.75 smallest being 1.5 all on. 1 on rattling rogue 14 on watermelon red baby brushhog and 5 on Okeechobee craw jig. Most of the fish were between 7 and 8 pm at night. Overall a great trip when you average over 2 pounds per fish. And most of the bigger ones had eggs
  13. Thanks guys and catt kinda by helped me out with lure selection except for jig color. I try not to bug him haha
  14. Just got an order for sieberts and one of my jigs is Okeechobee crawls brush jig. This weekend I'm on a clearer part of Toledo bend is this an ideal color
  15. Thanks I haven't fished Toledo in 20 years
  16. I'm staying in Indian creek this weekend it's my big fishing trip before I start my ninety day on call so I'm hoping to catch good
  17. What cove do you stay in now I'm getting worried
  18. We're fishing all day and night this weekend
  19. Dat marsh flyer yea!
  20. Haha it's not at all it's been a fact
  21. I'm guessing it's good news
  22. I'm definitely going this weekend staying in Indian creek. I haven't been in over 20 years and bad weekend or not. I'm excited. Time to sink or swim for me fellas
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