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Everything posted by kingmotorboat

  1. Where are you from sounds like my river
  2. I guess my point is I doubt the t wing makes a difference
  3. I love my tatula r. But also I love my *** with the arrowhead guide also do they make a difference I doubt it. But still overAll a great reel
  4. Fished for 3 hours caught 1 on a sieberts dredge brush jig. It was a skinny skinny fella
  5. I plan on bank fishing this afternoon at a friend's pond unfortunately we don't catch much there hoping I will today. Lacassine seems like it would be rough this afternoon
  6. Hopefully y'all can move it back. This topic could be huge
  7. I used to have problems feeling. All I did was fish nothing but a t rig and jig on yo zuri. Now I got the feel for it. Best advice is to focus and if you feel anything different set the hook
  8. You havepeaked my attention. Where are these ponds?
  9. Nice a hidden gem indeed
  10. I want to get out there today catt but having car issues. I usually just fish that levee across from d which Is where I believe your second picture is. Never tried the launches though. See I learn a ton from you.
  11. I see the bass I want to catch. Haha was it this year
  12. Yes he is and yes he has
  13. Was that this year out the canals
  14. Somewhere cheech and chong are smiling
  15. Catt knows his stuff in lacassine
  16. So did anyone fish so far this weekend
  17. Over here for me it's mainly a marshy refuge without much cover or structure from the bank or a river with almost nothing you can reach from the bank. And maybe 1 small pond at deepest 3 foot. Not much luck at that pond though I've seen a few fish but that's about it. The river I've never caught anything from bank. The refuge a couple every now and then. Refuge is hard trying to work the canals from bank cause that's all you can get too
  18. Yea canals and marsh also lol
  19. So let me ask you guys this. Does everyone bank fish a pond a lake or a river?
  20. Mods please don't lock this. Can we please have all bank fishing rolled in to this. Reports tactics pics. Let's discuss and keep it alive fellas.
  21. You're in for a treat. My first sieberts came in 2 weeks ago. Never fished a jig much til they came in. Now I love jig fishing
  22. We catch kentucky red eye bass all the time. Calcasieu river is full of them
  23. Better day than me. Fished 4 hours and caught 1
  24. I get 20 to 25 usually it's all I need u don't like to make long bombing cast unless I'm throwing a spinner or a trap
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