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Everything posted by kingmotorboat

  1. Finally got to use it. What a treat
  2. Thanks guys. It's a big deal too me. She ain't pretty but gets me from point a to point b and it thrills me
  3. Same here man. Minus a few 4 pounders I got this season
  4. Calcasieu was decent yesterday. 8 bass 7 of them about a pound and a half. If you fish it you know a pound and a half is a good fish
  5. Deep. Rich and compelling
  6. And apparently yesterday they wanted anything green and bubblegum
  7. It happened today and kind of confused me. Water was maybe 5 inches of visibility. Is this normal. Never got a hit on black and blue
  8. Lol Louisiana here man. Sorry. But anyway took her out this a.m. and nabbed 8. So great to be off the bank. But I never forget my roots. I will be banking some during the week. Only problem is it isn't running great because of carb kit but hope to get that changed soon
  9. Used the tournament mb finally. It's amazing for its price point. It was my first lews and won't be my last
  10. Lol if you live close you're welcome to come with if not then..............?
  11. http://i1148.photobucket.com/albums/o571/jaredjones982/Mobile%20Uploads/IMAG0127_zpsouudhvvp.jpg Got my first ride today
  12. I just got one the other day and can't wait to use it
  13. http://i1148.photobucket.com/albums/o571/jaredjones982/Mobile%20Uploads/IMAG0127_zpsouudhvvp.jpg
  14. Only work it needs is carb kit but I should be able to run it til Monday without issue
  15. Haven't taken them and uploaded them to the bucket yet. I plan on waiting till there is a fish in it first
  16. Paid 1400 for trailer motor and boat. It's a 15 foot allweld with a 25 Merc. Runs enough to plain out but needs a carb kit. Probably not tak ing it out today due to other obligations sadly. Can't wait till tomorrow to hit the river
  17. I think I will also it's going to be for weightless plastics and very light t rigs and it seems like it's perfect for it
  18. Just got the tournament mb yesterday. It's my first lews can't wait to try it out
  19. I love daiwa. That one there is sweet. Out of my price range but sweet
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