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Everything posted by kingmotorboat

  1. October 3 80 dollar per boat. sign up is tournament morning starting at 4:30 and you can launch at different launches
  2. Thanks man it's not every day you get too do something you love and it helps out someones family
  3. Hey guys for anyone living around lake Charles Louisiana we're in the works of putting together a benefit tournament with proceeds going to the family of senior trooper Steve Vincent who was shot and killed during a traffic stop on Sunday. If you have interest let me know so I can get you guys dates
  4. Cam I can't find you in.Facebook search
  5. I love my r. I'm looking at getting a regular soon
  6. If a fish can't identify a hook as danger which is much more visible, least of my worries are line visibility
  7. My opinion is people have been catching bass for years using everything other than fluoro. Hell catt has been catching them in clear water marshes for longer than I've been alive. After talking with him face to face about situation like this and his opinion if I.needed a softer punch rod or my meat stick with no give. I'll take his word on this.
  8. Interested also. I use nothing but.baitcast and soon will get my first spin combo. So choke points are new too me
  9. My biggest worry is about losing some sensitivity since it will be a plastics pitch and jig rod.
  10. That's the only color I ever use
  11. I've heard a few good things about the lexa rod
  12. I've heard great great things about the daiwa aird since it's been re designed. I believe it's 79.99
  13. I feel the same. I don't throw them at all. I feel like I may need too soon just to see
  14. Not sure but they have same price point
  15. No but they're made locally from where I live. I can.tell you in.this area they are the number 1 speckled trout and redfish rod. And from what I've heard and felt they make a nice bass rod as well
  16. How big of a difference is it with this other blank hopefully someone knows or mAybe dvt will show up in here
  17. So would I expect same performance or a very similar performance at least
  18. So if the blank is the same blank I'm sure it will perform just about the same if I'm thinking correct
  19. Nice I'm in market for a new jig rod so sensitivity is going to play a major role
  20. How was the sensitivity on.the lead rod cause it looks like this will be taking it's place
  21. Ok now I see. Hopefully Daiwa is right about same performance. I'm really loving there newer line up with the re design aird and hopefully this tatula xt will be great at it's price range. I love my tatula rod
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