So as most of you know I broke a rod the other day so I needed a new texas rig rod, needed one to pitch 1/4 oz tungsten around cypress knees. Walked in to a local tackle shop and behold!! This rod caught my eye, haven't used full cork handle in years but this rod here felt great. It's rated 3/8 to 1 oz and I feel like the tip is just soft enough to pitch 3/16 and 1/4 oz but not to soft. Feels well balanced, crisp action, solid backbone to turn a head, and as light another rod I broke that I won't name. Guides are straight and seem sturdy. Gonna be using p line cxx with it. Can't wait to give it a test run for sensitivity on Saturday and maybe send some fish home with sore mouths
Forgot to mention it is the 7ft mh fast casting model