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Everything posted by kingmotorboat

  1. How's the tip and sensitivity on this thing. I know the balance is great cause it's a dobyns. I plan on using mostly fluoro The only dobyns I've ever owned is a fury 765 so I'm trying to see what I can expect from this being it's my first micro guide rod
  2. Seems lately all I can do is catch fish flipping and pitching, so I decided to pick up a dobyns savvy 766flip off of their website for 100. It's a rep sample. My question is what are everyone's thoughts on this rod for everyone who has tried it. Going to be using it for 5/16 and 3/8 and up pitching and flipping soft plastics
  3. Where is said deal. Just curious
  4. White oak Park. Start working your way north of bayou serpent
  5. I'm from lake Charles Louisiana. I've heard alot about Indian Creek. Just hard to break away from calcasieu river
  6. Sorry I wasn't real specific guys and caused a debate here. I pitch to a ton of Cypress knees and trees. Lightweight for slow fall but stout line and gear to keep them from wrapping me up
  7. Thanks Mike. I heard Gary talking about an 1/8 oz weight with a worm 20 pound fluoro and flipping hook being one of his most productive summer patterns so I figure I'm gonna give it a shot with the inferno flipping stick
  8. I'm just worried if the 20 pound line will destroy the action of a plastic with that light of weight
  9. I'm using 4/0 straight shank flipping hook lol I also use 20 cause I pitch in to Cypress knees
  10. Would this be Overkill. I heard Gary Klein talking about doing this for summertime fishing
  11. Moss bluff here. You still love out here? I have a 16 foot aluminum with a 70 Nissan. Perfect calcasieu boat. I've tried to get Tommy to come a few times but that man is a marsh rat lol
  12. @bassarmy7 say when man. Always looking for people to fish the river with man. @A5BLASTER where are you from originally?
  13. Outside bends and high banks in my home river. Find nearest Cypress trees and hammer them. Always watch your current. No water flow, inactive fish. Tidal driven rivers can be a pain. Can't tell ya what baits cause everywhere is different. Biggest thing I know is that outside bends usually have deeper water. When the water rises due to tide here low banks are bad news cause they push so far back
  14. Major flooding has put my home river out of commission for a few days. Waters high, staying high cause of heavy south winds. Boat launches closed. Current is making Whirlpool I. The middle of it. Oh I'm just dandy over here
  15. I've received bags full of plastics from a member here and have used them all up. Haven't got to return the favor yet, hoping I will soon. The man even attempted to personally deliver them to me even though I didn't notice him and left work. He found me though and got them to me. Don't know if I ever told ya but thanks Catt. We got to set that river trip up soon man
  16. I use an extra fast personally cause I like no give. I haven't torn a hook out but it's all personal preference. I use an inferno 765
  17. I got my Magellan at academy for 24.99. Upf 20. I love it
  18. Whoaaaaaa what is this another local guy??!!!!!!!
  19. I also own a tatula rod lol. Great rod but I use my Powell's over it most of of the time. I use my 6'10 mh tatula rod for close quarters
  20. I have the inferno 725 and love it. I use it primarily for pitching jigs and Texas rigs. Soft enough tip to pitch 3/16 Texas rigs accurately, strong enough backbone to send them flying out of cover more times than not. I would describe as a finesse meat stick lol
  21. I had about ten now I'm down to 5 I've also realized less is more in this sport. The less rods i have to switch the more fish I catch instead of over thinking
  22. 6'10 mh fast tatula for spinnerbait and chatterbait
  23. Just got it in today off that wonderful clearance for 80 dollars, question is this it's going to be for all my flipping and pitching needs, has anyone used it for punching though? The 1 oz max rating makes me wonder if it can be. I rarely need to punch as most of what I fish is wood. I'm hoping to use it this weekend. This is the mOst expensive rod I own
  24. My dad had 3 of his guides break off his number 8 last weekend and it's only had 4 trips under it's belt
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