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Everything posted by kingmotorboat

  1. the future mrs does not like the idea of me fishing solo so I haven’t got a chance to go just yet. Feel free to add me on Facebook. Jared a Jones always looking for a partner lol
  2. So basically take a 1/16 off the rate of fall so instead of a 3/8 like a 5/16. I want to slow my rate of fall without adding more bulk to my jig or t rig But still want the accuracy a heavier t rig or jig would allow
  3. What I’m saying is if I’m pitching a 3/8 oz speed craw on 25 pound test how much does it slower down. As in will it have the same fall rate as a 1/4 oz on say 14 pound test. How much does it slow said jig or t rig down
  4. I would have to pick bill lowen no doubt. We have a similar fishing style so I’d loooooove to sharpen that
  5. Exactly how much does line diameter slow rate of fall. Say will 25 pound sunline cause a 3/8 Texas rigged speed craw fall at the same rate as a 1/4 oz rigged speed craw
  6. Ever need a fishing partner I’m all ears ???
  7. Enjoyed tonight’s call. Picked up tons of knowledge and didn’t even need a red hook for it ????
  8. I do believe my buddy that’s on here might try and join in also
  9. Was curious about these. How do they do for dragging and bottom bouncing? Will they still stand up like a normal jig head?
  10. anywhere at the moment ???
  11. Any flipping stick over 7’5. And I have a champion 765 and 795 dx they just don’t get much work. I find my dx 745 and 746 and champ 735 in my hand way more
  12. I usually work till 6 central and off on Wednesday and Sunday. So I’m good most days
  13. Hope everyone is slowly but surely finally resuming a normal life that was effected by this beast
  14. Depends who’s asking ??? hoping I can let ya know this upcoming week. I’m a calcasieu river rat
  15. Thinking about coming in to town Sunday and trying calcasieu. Not sure yet though. Future mrs motorboat ain’t a giant fan of me fishing solo
  16. Not sure since hurricane. Reviving this thread. Thinking bout fishing it Wednesday
  17. I’ve got a few different flipping sticks. I’ve got a 7’6 and 7’4. Just trying to decide which one to use on next trip for flipping super heavy wood cover lol
  18. Does two inches matter in a flipping stick as far as leverage and moving line on the hook set? Or as far as working length of the rod an inch and a quarter?
  19. It’s fairly easy man. I’m sure one of us can walk you through it
  20. Those are the best nights ???
  21. Y’all enjoy. Y’all gonna have to give me a replay. Got a 10 hour ride tomorrow so I’ll need reading material ??
  22. Appreciate it everyone. Proposed yesterday at Vogel mountain state park by the lake that’s as clear as tap water and she said yes
  23. Still in Georgia buuuuuut good news is the parents gave me the ok and approval to propose and even gave me the family heirloom ring to do it
  24. gonna have to be a square on this one unfortunately. Y’all are just gonna have to fill me in on what I miss
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