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Everything posted by Showtime22

  1. When I fish from the shore in Sanibel, I throw a cast net at the bay near the bridge for greenies, and other small bait fish. Anything small works, and just about everything is heartier than the greenies. They work awesome though. I walk out and cast past the sand bar and walk it back. I also keep a rod in front of the sand bar for snook running close.
  2. Ive caught some nice peacocks out of there but never anything special LM wise. I believe you can also manage to get your boat back in some of the local canals in Sunrise that way as well. I live off of one of them now and remember running them with my dad when I was a kid.
  3. If you're gonna be on the west coast on the beach, why not surf fish??? It is some of the best surf fishing around! I go all the time in the summer and catch nice size Snook right off the beach! Also catch sea trout, blacktip shark, a stingray if you're lucky (tough fight!) and a ton of catfish (not the kind you'd like to eat lol). I don't know about the bass fishing there, but come February, we should have some good bass fishing in Southeast Florida if you come over this way.
  4. HA! nevermind!!! ITS ALIVE!!!! I accidentally hit the "off" switch which is tucked WAY UP under the pedal (probably to prevent that). So it works!!!!!!
  5. Just my luck. Was planning a trip up to the Big O tomorrow to fish with my buddy up there before this front when, voila, my trolling motor dumped on me. It was a nice Minn Kota Edge too. 70lbs thrust. just crapped out. Mechanic said there's power going all the way to the head and that its the motor itself. Any suggestions on a place to get a new besides Bass Pro in Broward/Miami/Palm Beach? I don't think thats something that can be repaired...
  6. I would love to join the 10lb club since my biggest fish is 9lbs 10 oz
  7. I got rained out for detailing today so I was SOOO close to going out despite the weather....rough launching alone, none the less alone in this weather so i decided to go register the boat and trailer instead. Now i'm heading to Bass Pro to pick up some extra supplies as per recommendations on here. Gonna grab some watermelon and crawdad flukes, some june bug jigs/trailers, couple long paddle tail worms and some other things. Any must have suggestions??
  8. Isn't November a little early for pre-spawn staging?
  9. I have a 115 and run about 55mph but good Lord she sucks gas! The other day I ran from the boat ramp down to picnic island and then out to the tamiami canal. I did turn away from Holiday and just cruised a bit to see what ws down there...thankfully I turned when I did because i was on E when i got back!! I think next time I'll be putting in off 27 and just take my chances and secure any valuables!
  10. 60??? psshhhtttt....its 73 down here right now!
  11. Yea I was way south...I don't like the idea of putting in off 27....to susceptible to theft. And yea, I know a cold front shuts em down, but other than barometric pressure dropping, we don't have much of a "COLD" front lol
  12. I always liked red shad in murky water. Are solid, lighter colors usually a no go in clear water?
  13. Wow! you did much better out at holiday than I did! lol the water was ripping hard and I couldn't hardly stay in any of hte bigger canals. had to go up to picnic to find refuge and nothing but dinks there
  14. Lou, the 2nd finger canal from the bend off the alley canal....so yes, very far south lol. almost the beginning of the north turn
  15. Thanks for the tips guys! Yes, I was out at 27 on Saturday but I didn't run past the 2nd finger canal. It was late in the morning as well. Thats where I caught the only "decent" fish we had. Still managed between 5-8 each day but it was ridiculously slow. If y'all ever see me out there, flag me down and introduce yourself! My name's Brian. I have a Blue Flame F-150 tow rig with "Apache Firearms Training" on the side and a Marine Corps sticker on the back window. I'll be out there just about every weekend and on afternoons when I finish up my days work early Always looking to make new friends and if you're ever interested in doing some "teaching" or need a fishing buddy, let me know. I love to learn! Your boat or mine, I'll pick up the fuel bill!
  16. What a tragedy. It's one of the reasons why I never fish alone and when I do, I wear my lanyard and a vest when I'm running. And I'm a 31 y/o former Marine and have swam my whole life. RIP and may God bring closure and comfort to his family
  17. Hey guys, thanks for the response. Sorry, but I don't know the depth or water temperature because, well, I just got the boat and the depthfinder makes noise but has no light to the screen. Going today to look into buying a new one. Any suggestions? The air temp was 52* in the morning and never got above 70*. I know I just ticked off a bunch of Northern fishermen with that lol, but our bass are just as spoiled as we are down here!!! I was fishing the alligator alley canal and caught a couple little bass under 1.5lbs. Then I fished the finger canals along 27 a bit and caught a 3lber. For the afternoon, I switched fishing partners and took another friend out and decided to head up to Sawgrass Rec. No bites along the canal that runs to Markham. Tried the flats and didn't see a d**n thing, none the less even get a bite. Switched over to the 27 canal and fished one of the canals that run off it and caught 6 little guys. Then I fished this morning, thinking the weather had finally warmed up a bit (low of 70 last night and got up to 78 today). Caught 6 little guys but that was about it. We fished down past picnic island today. I have a lot to learn and look forward to any advice I can get! I know there are some good 3-6lb fish out there and that some guys catch them fairly consistently. By the way, I was mainly using Yamato twitch baits (Watermelon and Red shad), Charlies Worms 8" ribbon tail pitching in the pads (red shad green glitter), and a Bass Pro brand twitch bait in orange/pumpkin. I also threw a Heddon Torpedo a bit with 0 success. Best bait was pitching the Charlie's Worm. My buddy caught a couple on watermelon fluke.
  18. d**n...guess I'm the only one lol. No advice??
  19. Finally got my own boat! Nice little Ranger R70 with a 115. Been fishing like crazy since I got it and it feels GREAT to be back out in the Glades. Mainly talking about Holiday Park here....maybe I might swing up to Sawgrass Rec That being said, I was wondering if anyone else is getting killed by this front that came through on Thanksgiving! I went out Thurs. morning and this afternoon. Caught two dinks today and that was it! I fished L67, down by the little pump house at the intersection, then I fished that canal from there that runs north, and the center canal where the pads were thick. Nothing! I was dropping a red shad jig and a red shad/green glitter worm with 65lb test. Couldn't buy a fish. Going back tomorrow and was wondering if y'all had any advice. I'm thinking about trying the flats off 67 but I'm wondering if the water is still high enough? (I'm seeing some pads start to sag as if the water was coming back down)
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