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Everything posted by scwildbill

  1. Minnow, Both are easy to install. Keelshield (from Gator-Guards.com) comes with a lifetime warranty. I've had one on my boat for the past 10 years with no problems and I beach mine on the ramp quite often. Check your PM..
  2. Hey guys/gals, I'm the Pro Staff Director for Keelshield and we sponsor this great site, but right now we could use your assistance. The Keelshield boat is up for voting and in ESPN's Hottest Rig contest and we sure could use your Help. Voting begins RIGHT NOW. Please choose the Keelshield boat for the Hottest Rig out there! Thanks for your support in advance. Here's the Link: https://r.espn.go.com/espn/outdoors/hotrig/index
  3. Hey Fatboy.... I'm willing to bet the Culprit is YOU!.. Here's the more likely senario... The bass clamps down on the worm... You feel a tick and set the hook... The bass doesn't have but half the worm in it's mouth and all of a sudden you jerk causing the worm to break in half....Try it with a new one....Hold it tighly(almost pinching) halfway in one hand and then jerk real hard with the other hand.... The worm will break cleanly in half almost like it was cut...... At least that's my story and I'm sticking to it!! ;D
  4. Nope....... Even though my Home lake is Santee Cooper, My favorite that I've fished is Okachobee!!... There's also a couple of good ones I'm fond of in Tx when I was stationed there, like Falcon, Choke Canyon, Amistad, and Coleto Creek..... Good Post!!!
  5. Yes it is Bill... It's sort of like the SEMA show....If you know what that is...KeelShield will be there.
  6. Bassmaster and Bass and Walleye Boats.... I look forward the B&WB more so than Bassmaster because it has alot of informative articles and how too's.
  7. Fulltilt..... Frogs and Flukes will do the trick but the one lure the I found that works really well is a small buzzbait.... I had a day similiar to yours once when I was stationed in Tx.... Went to a small lake(Coleto Creek) and bass were feeding on topwater like CRAZY! I've never seen anything like it before (or since). I threw everything at them and could not get a bite to save my life. They weren't interested until I stopped fishing and actually watched what they were doing. They were chasing dragon flies and crashing down on them with so much force it was scary!... I broke out my buzzbait rod rigged it with an 1/8oz buzzbait and threw it out there... I couldn't get them to hit that either.....Until I made a bad cast..... I had seen a bass break the surface close enough to cast to and I hurriedly made a cast and missed the target. I reeled that buzzbait as fast as humanly possible to try and make another cast to the sweet spot and all of a sudden a bass just crushed it as I was reeling it in!!... That told me they wanted the bait moving fast.... SUPER FAST!!!..... I was once told that bass can made sudden bursts of speed that are mind boggling and there is NO WAY an angler can move a bait through the water too fast.....Try this tips sometime and see if it helps...... That day is one of my most memorable trips as I proceeded to catch more bass there than I ever did before!!
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