Okay, here is a thread I finally can add something to
With the exception of last year, I have fished exclusively big swimbaits for the last 5 years. I don't catch nearly as many bass others, but I don't care, as long as I'm getting bigguns.
Hudds are the favorites, but a lot of them work. I'm a big fan of these - they're cheaper, and work pretty darn well. 6 inch to 8 inch.
For rods and reels, some good tips have been given. I personally use a 8 foot medium heavy baitcaster with a big circular reel and 60 pound braid, to a 60 pound mono leader. I don't think the gear really matters, as long as it can handle a lure up to 3 or 4 ounces.
More important is where you fish them. Almost all of my swimbait bass have come from deep reservoirs that I know hold big bass. Don't waste your time fishing them in a spot if you don't know if it holds bass 5+ pounds. Trout colors are good if it's stocked with trout, but it doesn't really matter. I do use swimbaits in smaller, weedier ponds, but then I usually opt for a shiner or shad color.
And of course, be prepared to put the time in. It's not rare to go a week without a bite, but it's all worth it in the end. And you don't have to be in CA, FL, or TX. I'm in Massachusetts and have had great luck with them. A friend of mine went all last year only fishing 10+ inch swimbaits (must've been tough getting all those 0's), but he landed a total of 15 fish over 6 pounds, with 5 of those being over 8. Thats incredible for here in MA.
Good luck,
Hope some of this helped,