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Angry John

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Everything posted by Angry John

  1. Visibility maybe, sinks, and less knots. I use 6 lb sniper and 6lb pline 100%. There both good but my issue is line twist. Very common issue.
  2. Boca lube. Works great awesome applicator
  3. First you need to filter custom or off the shelf. I like st Croix and there blanks are one of the best. I like the ledgend but full handles are my style. The new extreme or split handles are not my thing. They have a great warranty.
  4. I like the opposite handle. The standard cork style like on my baitcasters. I use daiwa reels so those are what I will recommend. For the money the SOL, Advantage, and Fuego are the best value to performance. You can pick these up at the 100 dollar point. The certate is wonderful, but a bit more expensive. I got one nib for 225. I also like the 2000 size for bass fishing especially for dropshot. The 2500 size is most popular and very hard to find a deal on.
  5. There wa frog is good and I like their bubble walker. The guys on TT gave the popper high marks but I am not a popper guy. I consider those the best lures but I don't like the trap I have from them.
  6. Just beat me to it. Bear spray will deter most animals. Volume and spray pattern are the key. Don't go cheap if its worth having.
  7. Use top water at night
  8. If your in an area with very clear water and you need to downsize due to spooky fish or there in a negitive mood, or an area with very high fishing pressure, you may want to give them a try. If these are not factors for you, then i would not consider them a great option.
  9. If your looking to expand I would look at a 2 power fast or xfast spinning rod for dropshot tubes small jigs like keitech spiders and flukes. I am currently stuck in Washington and that rod gets used every outing. I also throw a lot of wacky 4" canethumpers on mine.
  10. You can use one type of any line if you want. Used to be all mono. I like a mixture of lines. I do this mostly because I don't like leaders. Of all the lines out there braid is very versatile.
  11. Its a spool thing. The stock spool is deep and works great for cranks and jerks. The aftermarket zonda spool will go lighter than the pixy upgrade spool. I see them for sale around 125. A new one will run 200.
  12. I use a 7' or longer rod with 6 lb line. I hit them hard and set the drag to prevent brakeoff.
  13. find a daiwa advantage in the size you want. The 2500 is more in demand but the 3000 size should be a lot easier to find. The sol is also a great choice. Step it up 50 more bucks and you can get into a used certate. They are one of the best spinning reals out there.
  14. A lesson that took me a while to learn is to get jigs in a single color that work well in your area and add flare with the trailer. I like the serbert jigs personaly and there very reasonable in cost. If you dont know what works well around you then go with a few base colors. I like brown, pumpkin, and watermelon. From those three bases you can build a large group of very good presentations. The plastic will determine the amount of action and the size of the overall presentation. With three diffrent color sparkle you can immitate craws bluegill and much more. I like red, black and blue fleck. The head style should be the one thing you spend the most time dialing in. I like 3/8ths arkie heads. These work in most situations. if i had to choose only two sizes it would be 3/8ths and 3/4. with just six jigs you should cover most situations, and be in about 20 dollars. If i were to add another it would be blue black. Another angle is topwater. If the major forage in your area is bluegill i would only get to both made by DUO. I love there pencil 110 and there poper. These baits are a little more money but they work extremely well and if your not around heavy cover and tie good knots there not going to be lost. Last i would grab a few square bills by SK. There 1.5 is amazing for the money and just match your baitfish forage. Bluegill has done wonders for me on pearch trout and bass. My largest brown trout 4.5 lbs was caught on this lure hunting for bass. You can fish all these except the larger jig on the same medium/MH fast rod. If you have the MH you could also throw a frog if you have braid.
  15. You will have to know how much freeboard that model has at the bow loaded and then the minimum depth you want the motor head when in the down position. If you go with the longer shafted motor you will most likely be OK. To short and your screwed.
  16. Jerks work better when the pattern matches the hatch. Realistic might be a little far but closer the better. These types o lure also depend a lot on action.
  17. The core or alphas are both great choices. You may opt for a spool in a reel you already own. If you have a zillion a 100m spool will make that reel magic. The JDM 103 reels with the v shaped spools are good also. The new sv spools are supposed to be good but I have yet to get my sv alphas to give real data. You could also use a pixy and the price is really coming down on those. The cheapest quality option might be a Sol and they support a bunch of spool options.
  18. The reel seat may be a deal breaker. Have you used a skeleton type. I hate them but others like them just fine. I will not own an altos for that reason but the elite rods dont have them. They are also great if you like Fenwick which I do.
  19. Xf rods are great. I love mine but I use it with 6lb flouro. Fast with braid works well for me so I have not bought any xf. I would look at that for moving single hook baits like swimjigs and chatterbaits.
  20. Frogs small swim baits and jigs are all on the plate for both rods listed. Cgrinder have you used both or either one please provide prospective.
  21. Ewg or strait shank?
  22. I use it for a few purposes but I would not say I like it. For dropshot spy baiting and jerkbaits its the right line for me. It does have its drawbacks but for those three its the best.
  23. I have been looking for a good heavy rod to multi purpose. The steez xbd frog rod is supposed to have a lot of fans. The second choice would be a MB perfect pitch. Which would you get given the choice?
  24. Sounds shady. You might be the only person that I have ever herd negative feedback for them.
  25. I have the 66mf and the 70mf. I like the 66mf for jerkbaits better than any other rod. I also love it for Sammy's and other small top waters. The 70mf is great for plastics and 1/4 and 3/8 jigs with plastics. They are both very nice and of all my rods the MF might be worth having in two lengths. If you step to the 70 then go MHF. Just my opinion.
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